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Mccordsville 7-26-15 Aar


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I keep saying I'll get my AAR videos out within a decent timeframe, but they will most likely be a week out do to video editing/motion tracking.


This was my first time at the field in Mccordsville, so I was a bit upset when I had to leave early, + 1 was not acclimated to the heat/humidity. Also, mosquitoes suck.

I wasn't a fan of the back/fourth spawn camping, but that happens in any game, really.





- Got to put more names to faces

- Chrono'd most of my guns and remembered what they clocked in at!

- Fielded the GAT after letting my + 1 use it, love the thing! It's a pocket DMR!

- Field was pretty dry

- Very decent hit calling




- Mosquitoes. In sheets.

- Those few people who let a few shots slide when hit.

- The heat/humidity was close to the danger zone.

- Missing half of the event :(

Edited by ProPainTank
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Also my first time at this field and my second time out since I started playing again.  I was the guy on tan running a tan G&G P90.  Had a great time and got to meet quite a few people and all in all it was a good day despite heat and bugs.  



- Met a lot of folks for the first time (including someone from the Purdue Airsoft club which was pretty awesome for me to see six years after graduating)

- Virtually zero issues with hit calling, people screaming CALL YOUR HITS or overshooting

- Teams worked out pretty evenly (although a couple of folks switched to help green out) and no real issues with ambiguous camo, etc. 

- Field was dry (although I can definitely see why rain cancellations happen now)

- The gent with the support gun that I threw a 9.6v to mid-game returned it to the table my stuff was at before leaving without me having to ask, nag, etc.



- I am one monstrous human mosquito bite.  Seriously, huge  thanks to the guy that shared bug spray with just about everyone there, although it was FAR too late for me by the time I put some on.

- It was pretty hot and humid (although IMO not as bad as Indy PB Battlegrounds a month back - jogging a couple miles a day to get my fat ass in slightly  better shape may be starting to pay off)

- The new hop-up in my KA P90 was on the fritz - note to self, make sure wheel engages arm when reassembling.. derp :)

Edited by Spectra
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