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24AUG2024 - IMPACT OP: Aces & Eights 4


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IMPACT OP: Aces & Eights 4

IMPACT & Joker’s Circus Airsoft Field presents: OP: Aces & Eights 4
-The Battle of the Ages!-

Date: Saturday August 24th 2024
Location: Joker's Circus in Bloomington IN (39.192064, -86.578140)
Time: Be there and ready to go by 10:30AM. Game will START at 11:00AM and run until about 4:00PM. No breaks, you will stay on the field for continuous play so plan accordingly. 
Cost: $FREE

IMPACT Skirmish Rules: https://airsoftindiana.proboards.com/thread/79/skirmish-rules[/url]

IMPACT Waiver: http://airsoftindiana.proboards.com/thread/72/release-form

The highly anticipated (I hope) sequel event to the popular and fun OP: Aces & Eights hosted by IMPACT. Now last time this was a close battle throughout most of the day. Then fatigue struck the Eights due to the heat and the Aces took advantage and dealt some heavy hits. After all the smoke cleared and all the hands were played out the Aces were victorious. Can the Eights reshuffle this time and get revenge? Or will the Aces deal them another Dead Man's Hand? You decide! Who's going all in!? ...sorry got a little carried away with all the poker puns. 

Game play is going to be something like introductory MilSim with other elements thrown in for fun. For those of you familiar with COD think "Kill Confirmed". Be ready for cards or poker themed objectives. Hopefully there will be a clear winner one way or the other for bragging rights, but of course the Aces will win. 😉 

*Other Rules:
-IMPACT skirmish rules will apply.

This event will be semi auto only. Unless you use a designated Support Weapon. For example: M60, M249, etc. 

FPS & MED's:
0-400FPS 1.5 Joules (5ft MED)
400-450FPS 1.87 Joules (50ft MED)
450-550FPS 2.32 Joules (100ft MED)

All snipers must carry a secondary weapon that shoots 400FPS and under.

A reminder to all that Full Seal Goggles are required.
Bring a death rag. If you do not have one, more than likely you will be over shot.
The age cut off for teams will be 21. But this is subject to change day of to help balance teams. 
A radio is recommended. 
Bring lots of water. 
Bring food and snacks (no breaks so you will eat on the field).
Bug spray is HIGHLY recommended. 
Clean up after yourself. 
Bring a positive attitude and your war face. 

*Magazine limits: Unlimited low caps, standard mags, and mid caps. If you are using a high cap mag you may only carry one mag. Unless you are using a designated Support Weapon. 

For this event Multicam is considered Tan. 

More event details may be provided and added in here at a later time. But you will get more specifics on game day. 

When signing up, don't forget to tell me what team you will be on. 21 years or older is Aces (tan), 20 years old and younger is Eights (green). Don't assume I know your age, at times I can barely remember mine lol. I also need the callsigns/names of any +1s you may be bringing along.

*For your first objective: 
Each team will need to designate a CO, XO, and choose two medics. A Chain of command or CoC and squads can be set up by your team's leadership. Missions will be given to your team's leadership and passed down to everyone else so choose wisely. 


-Aces (Tan based camo) 21 and older: 

-Eights (Green based camo) 20 and younger: 


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