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Teschendorf Field 9-23-12


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well i have to say that this was one of the best turn outs that i have had since i started,,,



big group

new players

seen some old friends

nice day

had a great snipers nest




field had some mud

some people didnt understand about the ends of the field... and didnt get that there was going to be a monkey wrench thrown into the one game,, but next time it will be made clear for every player new and old were the border of the game zone is...



calling hits

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Was more fun than last time, I think due to more people? Not a pro it anything just had a blast :). Met some cool new people. I enjoyed the mud... Umm got my buddy out for his first game.


Hit calling seemed kinda bad, not sure if it was as bad as some people think, someone tries calling me hit when I wasn't even. Out if bounds area like you said... Ripped my pants last game we played, had 2 little kids giggling behind me as I was in prone... Little bastards lol. Money should be collected as people sign in... Can't really think of anything major.. Good game! Oh yea, chrono seemed off compared to last time, made med better for me.

Edited by Gadoris
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Now on im going to be takeing the money befor any game is played. Glad you had a good time. The chrono did seem off a little. I have to check it out.

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Here is my AAR.


Got to play on a new field

Meet some new people




Broke a friend's gun at the beginning of a match :frantics:

Broke my gun (seems to be a pattern forming here)

Getting shot in the nuts at close range by a large group people after jumping up with a knife :blink: (much pain felt)


Overall a fun day, besides the major pain (and fail knife attack).

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