Comrade STALKER Posted September 18, 2012 Share Posted September 18, 2012 Loved this game. It was a great way to get back into airsoft after months of downtime. I got to get out and meet a lot of new and old players, and the environment was positive in terms of how other players treated each other. Pro's:Getting to freak out Harvest.Getting to meet so many new people, new and old.Getting to run with the Guffies. I've been waiting for so long to meet them, and oh what a great time I had! Weather was perfect. Couldn't ask for better. Con's:The whole merc/contractor deal. This right here was the most confusing aspect of the game, and I had a hard time following it TBH. I feel that since everyone was so distracted by the team changes, that they completely forgot about the original goal and scenario.Hit Calling. I know it wasn't much of an issue, but hearing the stories from others, it seems like there were a couple of folks out there who would just not quit. Especially towards the end of the game.Spraying. Like S_Z pointed out, spraying was common. You don't need to hit a target 20 times before they call hit. That's about it really. Great game with few if any issues, but the 3 team aspect needs to be amended, In my opinion. Can't wait to go to Poncho's field again. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostface320 Posted September 18, 2012 Share Posted September 18, 2012 This was my first game at hosted by Poncho and I gotta say I had a blast. Pros- I like that there weren't a ton of players. ( I'm used to playing with upwards of 90 people.) - From what I could tell most of the players looked to be experienced and had played airsoft before. - The field was great! - Met nice friendly people. - One of the more realistic airsoft events I've been to and also the best to date.Cons- People not calling hits. I know this is hard to control and you can't stop everyone from doing it, but I feel there needs to be a strict punishment ready for those who don't call hits so we can be closer to eliminating this problem for good. - A little confusion on objectives throughout the day, but some of that was due to communication being down. - Excessive firing!!! It didn't happen to me but at one point in the day I heard a kid screaming "Stop shooting at me I'm hit!" and I could still here the person shooting him.... - Dead men don't talk, Iv'e never heard so many dead people talk in my life lol. - My biggest peeve ( and I'm agreeing with FN Pope here) was that the PLM was supposed to be civilian loadout and there were a lot of tan loadouts wich isn't that big of a deal... until later on in the day people on both teams where asking if I was on green team or tan team..... There was no TAN TEAM lol! There was PLM and Cobian Militia. I feel this was made clear way before the day of the game and people should come more prepared. Other than those cons I had a great time playing that day and can't wait for the next game! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted September 18, 2012 Share Posted September 18, 2012 This was my first game at hosted by Poncho and I gotta say I had a blast. Pros- I like that there weren't a ton of players. ( I'm used to playing with upwards of 90 people.) - From what I could tell most of the players looked to be experienced and had played airsoft before. - The field was great! - Met nice friendly people. - One of the more realistic airsoft events I've been to and also the best to date.Cons- People not calling hits. I know this is hard to control and you can't stop everyone from doing it, but I feel there needs to be a strict punishment ready for those who don't call hits so we can be closer to eliminating this problem for good. - A little confusion on objectives throughout the day, but some of that was due to communication being down. - Excessive firing!!! It didn't happen to me but at one point in the day I heard a kid screaming "Stop shooting at me I'm hit!" and I could still here the person shooting him.... - Dead men don't talk, Iv'e never heard so many dead people talk in my life lol. - My biggest peeve ( and I'm agreeing with FN Pope here) was that the PLM was supposed to be civilian loadout and there were a lot of tan loadouts wich isn't that big of a deal... until later on in the day people on both teams where asking if I was on green team or tan team..... There was no TAN TEAM lol! There was PLM and Cobian Militia. I feel this was made clear way before the day of the game and people should come more prepared. Other than those cons I had a great time playing that day and can't wait for the next game! Actually Poncho said we could wear tan, so a lot of us did. I personally chose to because of the MUCH easier distinction when trying to identify friend from foe. Interestingly enough, I wasn't team killed once. Hmmm, wonder why? lol 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eagle Posted September 18, 2012 Share Posted September 18, 2012 Actually Poncho said we could wear tan, so a lot of us did. I personally chose to because of the MUCH easier distinction when trying to identify friend from foe. Interestingly enough, I wasn't team killed once. Hmmm, wonder why? lol Agreed, had people read the rules before attending the event perhaps everyone wouldn't have encountered as many speed bumps? Common sense helps too lol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Trunk Posted September 18, 2012 Share Posted September 18, 2012 Thank you Poncho and the rest of SIPA for a great event! It was good to see old faces and to finally have a field we can play on in the south! Pros:> Field was easy to find.> Numerous times I saw veteran players walking around and introducing themselves to new players. That will keep the sport going!!> M60 ran all day with only one box mag jam.> Had a blast running with some of the guys I haven't gotten to run with in a while.> Weather was perfect!> On the hit calling side of things.... It actually wasn't as bad as I have seen before. Of course when you carry a LMG most people call their hits. I only had two instances where I thought the opposing force did not call their hits. Oh well... it's Airsoft! I am sure I will see that person on the field again and I am sure I will shoot them again. Cons:> Mercs.... I never knew who was on what team.> Command changing sides - that through off our entire organization.> We had alot of our guys that couldn't come due to other arrangements (they will be there next year)!> Other than that it was just about a perfect day for airsoft! I honestly wish it could have lasted longer. I look forward to the next SIPA event and trading BB's with the northern Indiana guys again!Until next time... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted September 18, 2012 Share Posted September 18, 2012 Actually Trunk mentioned something I forgot. It was a perfect day for airsoft, the weather was beautiful and it was only hot outside of the canopy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comrade Holland Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 Here's the photos we took at this event: 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ghostface320 Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 Actually Poncho said we could wear tan, so a lot of us did. I personally chose to because of the MUCH easier distinction when trying to identify friend from foe. Interestingly enough, I wasn't team killed once. Hmmm, wonder why? lol It wasn't the fact that people were wearing tan that upset me it was the fact that OTHER people didn't read the forum and didn't know whos side the civilians were on.... wich the forum made obvious considering PLM was civilian loadout from the beggining. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
FN Pope Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 I guess i should have made that more clear on my cons as well, the fact that PLM was wearing tan did not upset me, it was that half of the PLM did not know that those of us in CIVI loadouts were PLM Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archfiend Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 I guess i should have made that more clear on my cons as well, the fact that PLM was wearing tan did not upset me, it was that half of the PLM did not know that those of us in CIVI loadouts were PLM Thats ironic, Because when i got friendly killed it was by people in the civi loadout and i was in tan.. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comrade S_Z Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 More often than not, players do not identify targets. Too eager to kill. JMHO. 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 It wasn't the fact that people were wearing tan that upset me it was the fact that OTHER people didn't read the forum and didn't know whos side the civilians were on.... wich the forum made obvious considering PLM was civilian loadout from the beggining. Ahh I gotcha, that makes sense now. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 More often than not, players do not identify targets. Too eager to kill. JMHO. This.... +a gazillion and a bottle of S_Z's favorite beer. I'm not going to digress too much but I simply don't know when airsoft became about how much ammo you could dump. I have a support weapon for gods sake and some people put me to shame on the amount of ammo they use and I wasn't particularly nice on the trigger this past weekend (compared to most games). [/end digression] 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Poncho Posted September 19, 2012 Share Posted September 19, 2012 Maybe next year I should limit the amount of ammo that can be carried or require mid caps. Hit calling and trigger control seems to be the worst for any event so far this year. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eagle Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 Midcaps only No 11.1 lipos allowed 3 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comrade S_Z Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 I think that's a reflection upon the players, not the game restrictions Poncho. If they are taught from the start to shoot short bursts, and clearly identify targets, they do fine. None of the new guys running with us did it. I'd be fine going back to standards or lowcaps personally. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Alphawolf Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 I had an awesome time Saturday thank you poncho. I just read all the a.a.r. Post and like to comment on some of the topics discussed. I been to a few games this year and have noticed that people tend to bunch together, when one gets hit they tend to stay still while the others hide behind him shielding them from fire and so on.That causes people to unload there mag to hit the other people hiding or stop shooting because the first person is in the line of fire and yelling I'm hit. No one likes to be hit but it happened a lot Saturday and especially in cqb situation. My suggestion is no bleed out if hit and respawn or they drop to the ground to bleed out. And as far as weapons, I carried my support weapon all day till the last part cqb mission. I never had to refill my box mag that day in fact it was still full of bbs. people need to understand what support weapon or any weapon class before they complain about it. I think most people assume they should be able to run around and not get hit or not get suppressed upon and be able to complete there objective unscaved! And this reminds me a sport that is full And there is a lesser more gentle sport flag football or soccer need I say more.. Alphawolf out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
BigAltes Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 Maybe next year I should limit the amount of ammo that can be carried or require mid caps. Hit calling and trigger control seems to be the worst for any event so far this year. First, Poncho let me say again, I had a damn good time. Now If I can jump in here for some quick thoughts,1st: free game, everybody loves a free game, but more often than not, these games seem to have more of the issues on trigger and calling, but we did have some very new players out there against some great players2nd: Don't ever underestimate the power of a good pre-game speech, get everybody together find out how many are new, do some role playing demonstrations, talk about C.Q.B. sense you have a nice little kill house on this field( Joker and I was having a blast killing each other with one shot each,perfect, then watching and laughing as some of other players had no idea what the hell to do)But that's my point about a good speech and TIPS, and it doesn't have to be the EO, half the time they are trying there hardest to get things going, and can forget the simple things, Thats where us players, who know most of the crowd of the event, don't be afraid and jump on in to help out these new/semi-new players. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vacceo Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 Midcaps only No 11.1 lipos allowed I use a 11.1 lipo. Surprise, I only burnt six and half mags worth of ammo. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joker Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 I think I ended up using 6 or 7 mags, 3 or 4 of them were standard 70rd AK mags and 3 were pistol mags. And I managed to get more then a couple of kills throughout the day. Oh and I only use a 8.4v battery too. I blame the video games. Poncho do not take these comments about trigger control or target identification to heart. Your job as an EO is to plan and execute a great game, which you did fully. How players act and well play your game is mostly out of your control. You can only provide the rules in which players are suppose to read and abide by. Reminders before games is great and all. But its the responsibility of team members to show the newer guys how to properly do things out on the field, not the EO. Even with something like a noob day that is all about showing new players how to play, there are only so many things an EO can do. Its up to the other players who know better to show those who don't out on the field. *Maybe for the next few big games AI has we can try something like this... instead of brining up this issue in AARs after the game that more then likely the people who need to be reading it will likely not. We should do this out on the field durring the game. When hit and being over shot pull your death rag. If you feel the need to say something or you are still being shot then POLITELY walk over to where the fire is coming from, get ahold of an EO (so they are aware of the issue), then POLITELY discuss the issue with the player. Even a simple "Hey man take it easy on the tigger" would work. Then shake hands LAUGH it off and return to your respawn where you can start again and try to kill the player who killed you. Its a vicious cycle isn't it. Honestly the same can be done for calling hits too. I dont recall being over shot in this event but I was also wearing purple so draw your own conclusions there lol. ~Joker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 *Brainstorm for another game* Allow no loose ammo on the field, then tally up the ammo people take on the field, then tally up the amount of ammo they bring off the field. Whoever has the largest return percentage gets awarded points! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 I agree with Joker. I personally mention hit calling and trigger discipline in my AAR so people acting like tools can read it and feel like they need to change their game up a bit. Those aren't EO issues at all, but belong to the players involved. For the record I used 9 mags on semi-auto, no possible chance of someone saying I don't have trigger discipline. lol I think I got 5-6 actual kills not including one guy 3 times in a row being medic'ed, and potentially 30 other no calls. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Poncho Posted September 20, 2012 Share Posted September 20, 2012 *Brainstorm for another game* Allow no loose ammo on the field, then tally up the ammo people take on the field, then tally up the amount of ammo they bring off the field. Whoever has the largest return percentage gets awarded points! Already thinking bout the next game. This is close. No points though. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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