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Anderson School A.a.r.


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I guess I'll kick this off then since no one else has done so.



Target rich environment

Seeing new faces

Putting faces to existing names

Seeing old faces

Putting in work with the ol' CQBR




Jerk-off nosy people trying to disrupt the pew-pew

minor gun problems

magazine feeding issues

Teaching my nephew trigger discipline......we're working on that one

Not enough vets on site

Some players not keeping their muzzles down and goggles on



IMO, today was a good day. Near perfect weather for slinging BBs. I would have like to see more old-school shooters onsite, but it went well even without. A nosy off-duty cop threatened to shut the party down early, but luckily he got set straight right fast and in a hurry. Overall, a good day for pew-pew.

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great turn out,

everyone listen to the rules and the game details

weather was great

picked up a new gun

meeting new friends

seeing some old friends



wife stoping early

some gun problems.not many

high fps



semi auto is the way to go in this building or 3rd burst,, not full auto on high fsp guns


realy love coming up to this ao, i will go there any time,, glad i was able to make it up.


i guess we left before the cop came,, was it the one that lives close by or some other one,

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I'm disappointed We didn't have many veterans there, Over all it went really well.

I hope we can get a bigger turn out like the first time again.



No gun issue

Running with Endgame like all day

Taking out a whole team by myself

Meeting new people

Loving BioShots

Hanging out and just talking, I think we spent like 2 hours total doing that, lol.



Really only the cop, and that wasn't even a big deal.

high FPS, i mean it wasn't a sectioned game, i knew guns were going to shoot hot, and everyone else should of too. (not saying you didn't) but it didn't really bother me


Great time, Great field,

I'm soo ready for OP KISS

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Might as well put up my pros and cons of this game.



Meeting new people (i know i am 'borrowing' this one from you all, but its true)

Running my MP7 and having a blast with it :D

Getting one of my guns off my hands (thanks williamc, hope you enjoy that Thompson)

Great weather for the day

Fun game modes and the one we had at the end was GENIUS!!




Primary weapon jammed every now and then

Primary weapon breaks halfway into the day :frantics:

Secondary weapon breaks as I leave the school :mad:

The cop issue, but I agree with Archfiend when he said it wasn't a big deal


Definitely would go here to play again.

Great day with awesome people to shoot with and at. :D

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When did this happen?! idk, if I remember right, this was middle of the week stuff and I'm golden to make it to these since I'm real close by. I've loved CQB stuff since I used to do role playing with local swat back home and have a specific kit for CQB. Next time this is up, I can understand no open invite, but I'd love to come to this if it happens again.

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This event was posted up in the calender section of the forums, i think OP didn't have enough posts to make it an actual Indiana event on the board forum.

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I was wondering the same thing, never saw it up or i would have been there, hopfully we can have an event there some time soon, played at a school near Menphis when i was visiting my sister and it was amazing

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I will keep everyone posted


Form an, with your permission, I would like to run an event there the week before Irene and/or October. My idea is to run it mid afternoon through dusk with a pot luck dinner. Day and night CQB action. Random teams each round.


Before it would be a cleanup day and participants would get free admission.


Please contact me if acceptable.

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Form an, with your permission, I would like to run an event there the week before Irene and/or October. My idea is to run it mid afternoon through dusk with a pot luck dinner. Day and night CQB action. Random teams each round.


Before it would be a cleanup day and participants would get free admission.


Please contact me if acceptable.



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