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Skirmish/ Open Ops. 7/15/12


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The event went great, I had a great turn out. People found the field ok and if they were late they texted me to let me know.



good turn out

check in went great {had the wife helping made it easy to deal with other things}

had some good input for the field layout



gun problems

safe zone problem at the end of last game.

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Had a awesome time thanks for having me.


Pros: fun field

Pretty good turn out from what I could tell

First time really out of the box for this type of thing, so was a great experience

Someone had drinks for sell, lifesaver



Cons: Got a little lost on the way there,y fault really

Took a while for aar

Bigaltes (sp? Sorry) is too damn sneaky, someone put a bell on him or something


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Pros: Plenty of shade

Meeting new faces

Seeing familiar faces


Cons: Field was a little smaller than I'm used to. Three steps in either direction and you're right on top of the OpFor.

BigAltes.....enough said. :P I'm kidding man. You are hard to find and even harder to shoot. :ph34r:

Definitely hard to find unless you know where to look. I saw the sign but didn't see the path to the site until my second go-round. *Google Maps* :wub:

I think everyone was plagued by gun troubles. I think there should be a gun tech/repair area set aside at some games for incidents like that.


Decent enough for a first game. Get the furniture moved around a bit and you'll have a decent field.

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LOL.........Thanks Gentlemen, had a great time, I must say it is pretty funny when I was in the bush and I could hear the other team say " I'm fuc*ing not going over there, Altes is there" :ph34r: :P

I must say this is by far the smallest field I have ever played on, but with that being said for the younger players or newer players, this field is a good field to learn some basic maneuvers, working with a small squad, and so forth.


Williamc I could tell this was your first time hosting and overall you did a good job, you ask for the players advice and you listened, I for one commend you, you are new to the boards and field, and you wanted to find a field to host some games, you got off the couch and looked around and BAM you found a nice little field for yourself and this community.

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