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Pandora's Box II - AAR


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When seeing the pictures and videos of the field we were extremely interested and pumped to attend this event. I will say we were a little concerned about the fact that NO information regarding the missions were released until game day. This did prove to be a problem. The field itself did live up to it's pictures, but the organization and planning from MIR Tactical did not. The tent that was set up sold smoke, BB's, and a few other small items. Why wouldn't they allow any other vendors to come on-site?! If people needed parts or anything like that MIR Tactical didn't have that.


Secondly... a barrel sleeve in Airsoft is pretty much useless. I know for a fact my M4 can shoot through a barrel sleeve. The fact these were enforced was a little ridiculous. Also, the fact that this enforcement was never posted anywhere made it even more ridiculous. My entire team had to pay an extra $5 to buy a barrel sleeve when most of us have 3-4 at home from when we used to play paintball.


Chrono... was a joke as well! 3 people at 3 different chrono's took longer than any other event I have been at. The guy's who were chronoing had no idea what they were talking about either. Most event's put a max FPS "around" 400. That's fine, but when someone shows up and chrono's at 407 at any other event they are told to be careful. That's fine! If it was a 10 year old kid or something then hesitation may be needed, but a 30 year old man?? We had two players chrono at 407 and 404 that where told to run 5 mags full of BB's through their guns and then come back. So your telling them to heat up the O-ring and loosen the spring, which will in turn make them chrono higher?! That makes no sense! I was then told that I wouldn't be able to play with my M60 because the guy couldn't put his BB's into the gun. I told him I was using .25's and we could calculate the difference.. (or switch the chrono to .25). After arguing with him for about 25 minutes he finally agreed. I spoke with a few other's who had 60's and they had the same problem with the people running the chrono's.


Breaks and lunch... these are usually a good idea when it is extremely hot outside. It actually did get pretty muggy and hot around 2pm so calling an early lunch was fine for most. But a warning that we were going to take an early lunch would have been nice. We were moving in on the airfield and pushing hard when all of a sudden they called game over an hour early! WTF?! Nobody relayed to us or the squad with us that we were calling lunch early!

When breaks where just about finished an admin would walk around and say we are starting in 5 minutes. While I applaud the promptness of the event... a little more heads up would have been very nice. We had a gun go down so we took it apart and started working on it.. 5 minutes is not enough time for us to slap it back together and test it to make sure everything is in working order. No big deal though... just a small pain in the a**.


ORGANIZATION AND LEADERSHIP... this was the worst I have ever seen. No information regarding the event was released before game day so we were expecting to be bombarded with information when we got there. NOPE... our CO told us to break into our own squads and seperate. Once that was done he asked each squad leader to come into a building and asked where we wanted to go. SL's started yelling out positions and he would just say OK.. GO THERE. My squad ended up being a floating squad that bounced between 3 different locations dependent on where support was needed. We did this for 3 hours until a random squad showed up and said we are supposed to be attacking hard at the airfield. WHAT?! This information never came across the radio. We were told that when you were hit more than once you had to respawn and intel would be given to you then. What happens if you don't get hit more than once?! That's why we designated a Command Channel and all SL's and Commanders where on it!


I could tell after the first initial hit that most of the Green (Russian) had given up due to the fact that our CO was just sitting back at Respawn talking to the Admins. This would have been OK if the respawn was capturable. Which it wasn't! So his a** should have been in the field barking out orders and making sure everyone knew our next objective!


Recommendations for the next MIR Tactical Event:

Allow other vendors or sell more than just BB's and Smoke.

Use at least one Admin than can speak fluent english!

Use Admins who will actually walk around rather than sit on their a** at respawns.

Give a little more heads up during breaks and lunch.

Calm down on Chrono.. an extra 7 fps will not do any more/less damage.

If guys need to work on guns.. don't let them do it in front of the chrono station.

Barrel Bags = useless

Use a qualified CO, and post objective or scenario information on your website. (This allows squads to at least be prepared)

Utilize the right parts of the field more. (Buildings)


I will go ahead and say that after lunch was MUCH MUCH better. We focused more on the castle, and the fire fights were unbelievable, but a little more information or coordination from our CO would have helped us. I was working with three other guys when all of a sudden a kid comes running up carrying a "nuke" and says we have to get this in the building! What??! We were just in the building... now we are blowing it up?! Who gave these orders?


Overall... we had a great time and the road trip was awesome! We were pretty disappointed at the preparation and organization of this event. Hopefully the next MIR Tactical event will look at events like... OP: Blind Fury, OP: Northern Lights, OP: Irene, OP: Sledgehammer, etc... Notice how these events are laid out and planned for. Keep an up to date roster that people can see, and this will make the event much better!


Thanks for a good time and glad we got to meet some new faces and friends!


**This is just my honest opinion and in NO way a negative hit on MIR Tactical. Just some information that can hopefully be useful for the next event. Also.. opening an AAR for this event would be a good idea.

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Thank you your feedback. Just to get back on few points that you have mentioned:


Chrono limits and Barrel Socks are enforced by the field owners, it is not MiR Tactical's call. Barel sock information is stated in the rules, which were posted on the website. Calling first game an hour early was not planned, as we had couple of people "overheat", so the call was made to prevent further issues as the temperatures got into upper 90's. Thank you for your participation :D

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I didnt make it to the event but I do wanna touch on the chrono thing as this is something that I hear ALL the time.


Limits are limits. It doesn't matter if you are over by 1 FPS or 30. If you are over the limit you are over the limit (sounds like a drinking and driving slogan!). If you allow one guy to be over by 3, then why cant the other guy be over by 4, if he can be over by 4 why cant I be over by 6. Its a slippery slope. Its not the event organizer's job to cater the already laid out rules to people who show up unprepared.


Now I'm not saying everyone should be turned away who is over the limit but it is at the EO's discretion at that point. So if they say you are a no-go then you better find another weapon and not complain.

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I understand the Chrono rules and I agree that if one person is over then they should have some type of rule enforced. Some people pay $400 for really nice guns and on a warm day those guns can chrono 415 fps. I am not whining or complaining, but I don't think its fair for someone to pay that kind of money and not get to use it. Some events I have seen usually just put a red zip tie or piece of tape on the gun and mark it as a DMR or Semi only! This would be fine with most people I am assuming.


Again... we had a great time and met alot people, but I just wanted to add some input for future events as we plan on attending. I had scoured the event information weeks before, but must have missed the barrel sleeves.


Have the pictures from the event been posted anywhere yet?

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I understand the Chrono rules and I agree that if one person is over then they should have some type of rule enforced. Some people pay $400 for really nice guns and on a warm day those guns can chrono 415 fps. I am not whining or complaining, but I don't think its fair for someone to pay that kind of money and not get to use it. Some events I have seen usually just put a red zip tie or piece of tape on the gun and mark it as a DMR or Semi only! This would be fine with most people I am assuming.


I understand, I'm not getting mad or bad mouthing you at all. just giving the perspective of an EO. There are a lot of things in life that aren't fair (I dont think its fair that places dont allow shooting glasses for instance). If someone wants to spend 400 bucks on a rifle thats cool, I do it too, but I make sure that my rifle is well under the 400 FPS limit so that I am good regardless of weather, poor chrono's, tail wind, or the cosmos lining the planets up in that right pattern. The best advice I was ever given in life was poor planning on someone's part doesn't constitute and emergency on mine.


Push come to shove the EO/land owner is responsible for the players on their property and if they say no one over 400 FPS, people have to either grin and bear it or not play. It's their land/property at risk and if it were me and it came down to someone getting turned away and being angry at me or me loosing my hard earned property, sorry but someone is going home angry.


Alas I digress. This is a conversation for another topic.

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