Bear Posted May 20, 2012 Share Posted May 20, 2012 Had a lot of fun at this event. Got to run my new m249 and get an idea of what I'd like to improve on it, got to hang out with friends, and was able to convince both of my brothers to come out and try airsoft. Now on the pros/cons. Pros:Nice field - Thick vegetation made moving to different areas a challenge. Had to really pay attention to your surroundings, or get lit up by the enemy .Great number of people- though with size of this field I think it could easily hold another 20 people comfortably.Brothers- My elder ran our squad - he's a Staff Sergeant with the Army Reserves, and it was pretty cool learning experience for me to see how he runs his platoon. My younger ran against us on Tan, so I got to shoot at him all day.WCA - I went to high school with a few of these guys, and its always nice to hang out and trade some pellets with them. Cons:Time in between matches- could stand to be shortened. Not excessively long, but probably a bit longer than necessary.Thick vegetation - made seeing dead rags hard, accidently lit up a few dead tan cause i couldn't the tops of their heads. All in all I thought this was a good event. I had a lot of fun, which is my main goal with playing airsoft. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shooter442 Posted May 20, 2012 Share Posted May 20, 2012 Great game! Great field and perfect weather! 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archfiend Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 i have to completely disagree with the above. the WCA guys are nice and everything but the event sucked.PRO1. Great field, its very nice and well put together.2. WCA great group of guys by them-selfs. CON1. The hit calling. we did see tan not calling hits to, it wasn't only green. but because of this we left early.2. the refs did nothing when we addressed them about the above. they just told us to talk to someone else, none took responsibility. 3. on the second mission the truck drove by me and Eagle and the green team was shooting at us and we were behind a net and they were cussing at us to call our hits (there BB's were not going through the net) and they ran up as we was shooting them and one tried to bang kill both of us at once, (they were on the other side of the net, they did not have control of the situation) at this point each guy was shot at least 4 times and there was two of them. we didn't accept the bang kill and one guy came around the net and shot me at 5 foot away in the side of the head, after we shot them. the other guy got Eagle out. us being honest just accepted it. said whatever and after that mission was going to leave. the green team moved up, 30 seconds later me and Eagle got lit up on full auto about 50 foot away and our death rags was clearly out. Eagle almost beat a kids ass and i followed him out. (letting him do the talking, lol) game stopped and we took off. we had enough of all the bull. (there were refs in the area, they should of said something) 4. there were not enough objectives at all.5. my first milsim and to be honest was way under what i expected. If i come to another game hereI would like to see a older min age limit, or have a creditable reference.refs that actually do thingsmore objectives, at least enough to take up the full missions length. i think thats about it, sorry to be so harsh guys but i was severely disappointed... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 I agree and disagree with some points made of course, but that doesn't mean I didn't have a good time overall. Firstly, I wasn't feeling very well, have had a seriously bad tooth ache but it's being dealt with soon enough. I'd say our team did very well overall and played very honorably. Pros: The field was pretty cool and the owner seemed like a nice guy. He definitely seemed excited about us being there and that makes me want to come back.The briefing wasn't bad, a few things were missed, but they normally are in most briefs.Great weather and a good turnout for the game. Cons: Archfiend is exactly right.My team can account for several happenings dealing with me that completely broke my spirits. At one point I got the jump on about 5 guys, hosed them all down but none of them took their hits until after I was dead. We lost our momentum, I died, for no reason, and nothing positive came for our hard work. Another time, I once again kill hit two kids 50ft away with 20-30 bbs each before they even see me, yet again they shoot me, I call hit, and then they pull death rags with no one else shooting at them. This was definitely some of the most blatant honor issues I've seen in quite some time. Seeing Eagle shooting a kid center mass from 20ft away and the kid just iron mans it firing back like 4 of us standing there couldn't see it. hrturner shooting a guy in the crotch with a pistol from 10ft away as the guy yells at Rob for not taking his hits even though the guy wasn't even hitting him. Situations happened in VERY close proximity, seeing bb's making impacts, but refusals to call hits. Oh also this isn't a con or a pro. I never got to deal with any objectives, doesn't mean they weren't there though. I agree about the time in between games though, lunch was way too long, even though I needed the break due to my tooth. lol Starting the game took forever even though I agree with offsetting time due to people being late or unprepared. That's pretty much all I've got. I definitely have respect WCA, I've had a good time at both events with you guys so far but this is something that can be fixed easily. I got worried as these things were happening that a friend of mine who was attending his very first airsoft game would be turned off by this and not want to play anymore. I hope he believes those of us he was with that people are normally MUCH more honorable than this game. Hopefully you guys will get to see him out some more as an addition to Modsquad. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 OP: SledgeHammer AAR: This was WCA's Milsim event out at a Predator Zone paintball facility. Turn out was pretty good I think there was about 35 people total age ranging from low teens to adults. Weather was a solid 80 degrees with fairly low humidity. All in all it was a great day for some BB action! I was very excited for this event as I had to back out of a few of the WCA events for one reason or another so I definitely owed them an event. The game was setup and run very professionally at the beginning portion (Chrono, mission briefing, rules, etc). The first mission was also run well teams were communicating things seemed to be going well. A few issues with people being over shot and no hit calling but nothing out of the ordinary given the thick vegetation of the field (VERY cool field that reminds you of 'Nam ). After the first break, it seemed like everything fell apart. Not sure why but it was almost like a different group of players walked onto the field during the second game. This is BY NO MEANS the fault of the EO's and I do not blame them at all. I do blame the players. There was a lot of blatant no hit calling or getting shot, then shooting the person who shot you, and THEN calling their hit. ALOT of over shooting and face shooting. Obviously once people start getting shot in the face, their tempers start to flair. All in all the field was great, the missions would planned out, WCA did everything they could but the players didnt pull their weight. Pro's:1) Getting to meet Duder and EZ finally!2) Predator zone is a pretty cool field3) Got to use the sixty again after almost a year off from playing due to an injury4) Saw some OLD faces from years ago (Bear I'm talking about you ) Con's:1) Players not keeping the spirit of the sport in mind during the game2) Someone turned up the heater around noon I will still make it out to another game WCA, hopefully the players will live up to my expectations next time. I would also suggest a little less focus on the complexity of the missions and focus more on the quantity and fluidity of them. Quantity just so you can keep everyone busy and fluidity in that the missions all fit together and when one is completed you can immediately start right into the next one rather than waiting an hour or so. Please take this with a grain of salt its merely my observations. I know how hard it is to run games and how easily player attitudes can ruin games. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Wolf Posted May 21, 2012 Share Posted May 21, 2012 All in all it was a decent event. WCA is a great group of guys, and they themselves were mature and handled everything that they could've. However, as hrturner said, after the first mission it seemed like everything fell apart. People broke the rules countless times, and comms were countering themselves, (green). Pros:Nice weatherMission 1 was intenseCons:Comms were really twistedPeople were getting really angry over nothing importantPlayers obviously didn't understand spawning rules and did not call hits. (This ruined it, especially one instance in particular, as a few tan players spawned about 50 feet away, in clear sight, and shot my entire squad, in the middle of a firefight.)Missions were too shortAfter mission 1, teamwork was forgotten. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Zombie Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Ok heres my AAR of operation sledghammer ok first thing thanks for hosting all you guys at WCA i was on green teamPROSgot to see our newest squad member in action (he did great it was his first game).i had no problem with tan team calling hits and i didnt see any problems with my team (probably because i stuck with my 4 man squad all day). that dosn't mean they wern't there.EZ your a great CO good job on the first round.the best moment of the game was my confrontation with eagle on the truck mission after an argument about the net we both apologize and shake hands and go out Eagle your a great player i hope we meet again under better circumstances. my squad got alot of time with objectivesCONShour break after the first roundEZ dissapeared after the first roundlots of players got angry on the truck mission i saw a squad leader on my team cussing out little noob kids because they wouldnt move up (if you didnt want noob kids there you should of posted an age limit) we all need to remember we're all still friends when the game is over.lots of guys left so the night game didnt happen (for me at least) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sp3ktor Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 I play with the WCA regularly at the farm. I personally think that noone can point fingers at anyone for how the game went. In all reality if you have ever been to a big event any of you would know that hit calling is something you will find everywhere. Another is that one of the tan team members told us that One of the Admins was giving intel to the tan team that was not supposed to be given. That admin also stepped in and assisted the tan team. I'm not making excuses but it broke alot of peoples morale to hear that info during the game cause it kinda made me feel like i was just doing this running back and forth for nothing. Also those complaining about how it turned out need to give the creators a little slack because obviously it wasn't your event we played at. I personally know the people who designed this game and they worked hard to make it as best as they could with as limited amounts of money that they could. As far as the teen I personally know that some of them were whipping some adult ass out there in the feild. I'm a former US Army Special Operations rto I have been out for 6 deployments to Afgahnistan and Iraq without a scratch and can personally say that one of the best guys on my squad during the game was a 15 year old kid by the name of Garret. Garret is a member of WCA and is also one of my youngest friends. He has been my point man for two games now and really impresses me I have some footage of how great our squad was playing which i hope to post soon enough. I love playing against tan all the time cause you are a challenging team but I really hate to see complaining when in the end it wasn't about a prize it wasn't who was the best player it was about coming together as a team as a group of individuals. We are all brothers in arms so lets keep it that way regardless of the simple inperfections. sp3ktor signing off... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 I play with the WCA regularly at the farm. I personally think that noone can point fingers at anyone for how the game went. In all reality if you have ever been to a big event any of you would know that hit calling is something you will find everywhere. Another is that one of the tan team members told us that One of the Admins was giving intel to the tan team that was not supposed to be given. That admin also stepped in and assisted the tan team. I'm not making excuses but it broke alot of peoples morale to hear that info during the game cause it kinda made me feel like i was just doing this running back and forth for nothing. Also those complaining about how it turned out need to give the creators a little slack because obviously it wasn't your event we played at. I personally know the people who designed this game and they worked hard to make it as best as they could with as limited amounts of money that they could. As far as the teen I personally know that some of them were whipping some adult ass out there in the feild. I'm a former US Army Special Operations rto I have been out for 6 deployments to Afgahnistan and Iraq without a scratch and can personally say that one of the best guys on my squad during the game was a 15 year old kid by the name of Garret. Garret is a member of WCA and is also one of my youngest friends. He has been my point man for two games now and really impresses me I have some footage of how great our squad was playing which i hope to post soon enough. I love playing against tan all the time cause you are a challenging team but I really hate to see complaining when in the end it wasn't about a prize it wasn't who was the best player it was about coming together as a team as a group of individuals. We are all brothers in arms so lets keep it that way regardless of the simple inperfections. sp3ktor signing off... I hope you didn't sign up on our forums just to give us your opinion of our AAR. You as a former U.S. Special Operations soldier know the purpose of a true AAR. Our use here isn't much different. If there are things that can be fixed, the EO's need to know about them, otherwise mistakes will be continually made every event in the future. Also three of the people giving these AAR's have been to the biggest and most well organized games in the U.S. along with some of the smallest and least organized. We know the issues with hit calling all too well. There is a difference between imperfection and total lack of honor on the parts of some of the players (not all). How else would you suggest we fix the problem? 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 I hope you didn't sign up on our forums just to give us your opinion of our AAR. You as a former U.S. Special Operations soldier know the purpose of a true AAR. Our use here isn't much different. If there are things that can be fixed, the EO's need to know about them, otherwise mistakes will be continually made every event in the future. Also three of the people giving these AAR's have been to the biggest and most well organized games in the U.S. along with some of the smallest and least organized. We know the issues with hit calling all too well. There is a difference between imperfection and total lack of honor on the parts of some of the players (not all). How else would you suggest we fix the problem? Not to mention three of the people have also organized/admin'd some of the largest events in Indiana. Sp3ktor - No one was blaming the admins of the game, in fact most of the AAR's here speak highly of them and the field but insinuate that the player base was the problem. AAR's are, like Dragon said, to help the EO's reflect on what the players saw issues with. Believe me the game admins will rarely see 20 percent of what actually happens during their games. EO's cant take AAR's personally. I have had quite a few of my games get ripped to shreds by players, and I'm thankful they do it. As an EO I need to know what people like and dont like so I know how to plan my next games so that they are as much fun as possible. Its called constructive criticism. I digress. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sp3ktor Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 I hope you didn't sign up on our forums just to give us your opinion of our AAR. You as a former U.S. Special Operations soldier know the purpose of a true AAR. Our use here isn't much different. If there are things that can be fixed, the EO's need to know about them, otherwise mistakes will be continually made every event in the future. Also three of the people giving these AAR's have been to the biggest and most well organized games in the U.S. along with some of the smallest and least organized. We know the issues with hit calling all too well. There is a difference between imperfection and total lack of honor on the parts of some of the players (not all). How else would you suggest we fix the problem? I did not sign up just for that in fact this is the first time ive ever been on this site. I know what an AAR is of course, that was my opinion on the whole of the game and alot of the problems i was agreeing with. If you read my whole post you would realize that I understand all to well how these games are too. lol!!! The point of this was to shed light on alot of the cons I saw in everyone elses posts not to be an complete nazi because in all reality WCA games are merely in the begining stages of competing with the others who throw these events. I am an understanding person. Its like the age limit there was an age limit I believe i was 15 years or older but some things players were complaining about were a younger crowd playing. Also I didnt know alot of my green team cause we had a few people that were on green that normally play tan. lol!!! I suggest a few more EO's be place on the field to ref and only to ref. Those involved in a planning the senarios should not have any influence on hinting or pointing out key objectives. Let the team commander do his job and I promise things will flow much better.Also what about instead of breaks we make it more realistic like pack a lunch make tactical huddle and eat out in your FOB. Im planning to bring a box of MRE's to the next event for my squad or whoever wants to because this is supposed to be a mil sim game lets make it as real as we can. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
sp3ktor Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 (edited) Sorry if my post were rubbing you all wrong but they are intended to be mean. I am good guy to those who really know me. Edited May 23, 2012 by PELI Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted May 22, 2012 Share Posted May 22, 2012 Sorry if my post were rubbing you all wrong but they are intended to be mean. I am ggod guy to those who really know me. Nah didnt rub any of us wrong to my knowledge, you're not the first person to come in like a bull in a china shop and you wont be the last, although I would advise you not intentionally not try to be an ass to people. No one here was trying to be one, just merely giving our impressions of the game as well. This is a pretty tight knit group compared to most forums and it gets closer and larger with every game. I know WCA is new to our boards but we have all been nothing less than welcoming to them. I am pretty certain that I can speak for everyone here that we look forward to more of their games and hope to see them at ours. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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