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WCA Rolling Thunder AAR 4/14/12


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Rebels vs. The UN In OP: Rolling Thunder was a slow start building into a climactic ending of six missions with mortar shells, smoke signifying or replicating explosion and air strikes. Bio tape markings on off parts of the field that were deemed unplayable do to fall out of a nuclear missiles unless the teams were able to locate and use the biohazard suits to retrieve the objectives in the areas of fall out while going under attack or attacking the opposing forces.


Do to the weather the game may have been cut short, but good attitude and great fun was nothing short to say the least. Once the Rebels pushed the UN back the into the corner of the village the UN had lost the will to carry on but didn’t stop to make last efforts to make sure uranium tubes were kept in safe hands and with their lives they gave to do that.


The weather had no hand in helping this event succeed. With missing briefs being ruined and comms shorting out from water, it would seem to be down hill from that, but with help of random players showing up early and great organization from Delta ,the EO, it ran smoothly into the first 4 missions. As said the game was cut short with weather getting slightly dangerous and equipment breaking down players and EO decided to call it a game and start a fire to help to dry off. After maybe a hour of calling it a quits the weather seemed calm enough to the get the cook on. Nothing like a fire and a cook out to bring the moral and jokes going!


Three things that I saw that could be improved were maybe laminating briefs to make them water proof, clarifying bleed out times to prevent unfair respawning, and better a relationship with mother nature to keeping her from pissing on us again. On subject of bleed outs, there was not much problem with it, but some had miss understood and gained a slight advantage that was corrected after the first mission and did not happen again.


Some things that I saw went well that should be used again was the well defined safe zone that keep players safe and comfortable while separating the field from the staging area. After the missions and the game was over Mags were out, barrels were cleared, and safeties were switched on at the request of adims and reminded again making sure to correct complaint of wca open play last month. The event it self was well organized, you knew where to go right off the bat, with the parking to the chrono it was refreshing. People were friendly and talking and working well together during the game. Every one was calling there hits and no was had any complaints to my knowing.


My over all thought on the game was that it was fun but unfortunate weather did not want to work with us. With that said I could have not had a better time with the circumstances and request others to start looking into Op: Sledge Hammer for the another chance to play with these guys on this field. I just wanted to thank to 40 people that showed up and stuck it out.


Edited by EZ.
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Operation: Rolling Thunder was great. It was my first event and military simulation. It was my first chance to actually test out my new equipment. I think the weather really made Rolling Thunder a lot more atmospheric.




good teamwork

most of us had fun

good food afterwards



the game ended early due to weather

tan had a problem with following the rules (not calling hits, blindfire, overkill, ect.)

we were all soaked


Qoute of the day

"Dude im f***ing cold!" "everbodys f***ing cold!"

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Operation: Rolling Thunder was great. It was my first event and military simulation. It was my first chance to actually test out my new equipment. I think the weather really made Rolling Thunder a lot more atmospheric.




good teamwork

most of us had fun

good food afterwards



the game ended early due to weather

tan had a problem with following the rules (not calling hits, blindfire, overkill, ect.)

we were all soaked


Qoute of the day

"Dude im f***ing cold!" "everbodys f***ing cold!"


thanks for the positive input! the food was good the people played hard. the weather sucked because the other two missions were to be epic and no was able to experience do to the game coming to a early halt.


And about the cheating I'm sorry. Did you speak to the ref/EO about this rule breaking that you experienced? It's to late now, but if you didn't it be better next time to let the ref know for everyone's own good. Because no one likes a cheater and also no one likes to be called a cheater. Think about all people you just called a cheater. I saw one person cheating...... So all of them cheat now....... It does not sound good to me, but I'll talk to the EO of our next event to prevent problems like this. Maybe adding more refs to ensure safe and honest playing. thanks for come out and playing! hope to see you at our next event Sedge Hammer. Will you be attending?

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I agree, this event was really fun, even with the crappy indian weather. I still had a blast and I didnt seem to see anyone cheating at all (granted half the time I couldnt see due to water running down my goggles. I definitely liked the field and the missions. It seemed like tan team kept having gun malfunctions and such, but the game was fun regardless. Only bad thing was tan was getting ready to go full charge and game got called due to green leaving early, and missing the best part, the warm fire and good food.This was probably due to everyone beaing soaked and freezing, I definitely plan on attending more wca events. My favorite thing was probably the field, I liked the base setups and all the cover you could use to get up to the bases to actually stand a chance of taking over the bases. Also, I was wondering where to find info about your upcoming games, such as OP: Sledgehammer?

Edited by Mark
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Operation rolling thunder was far from what i expected it to be, and this had little to do with the weather. first problem was the 30minute games wich in my opinion were way to short. Then there was the 35 minute break in between every scenerio witch contributed to most players being cold due to the lack of movement. And then the poor leadership from the COs which assigned team 1 to attack green base every time (wich got very repetitive and boring and made my job just a shooting fest with no real objectives or any feeling of acomplishing anything) and team 2 to do all of the objective work. Then there were the refs constantly telling us to fall back so that the other team could push up which made this game feel very rigged and controlled. And the teams where very imbalanced (not due to cheating i saw very good sportsmanship from everybody). My recomendations to the planners of the next event at the predator zone is to have longer scenarios maybe an hour long each or just one long continuos scenario. Then to stop the imbalanced teams you should sort the teams based on experience rather than color of camo and assign arm bands to determine teams. And find a way to speed up times between games because standing there for 35 minutes was rediculous and probably the biggest killer of this game for me and my squad (i was on tan team 1)



all the guys showing up despite the weather

great sporthsmanship

Weather (made it very challenging i enjoyed it)



Game times were to short

COs had no ideal how to lead troops

time in between games were rediculous


All in all operation rolling thunder was probably one of the worst events ive ever been to. No offense to any of the players who regularly play there you all are great to play with, and have some of the best sportsmanship ive ever seen. I look forward to your next event and hope i enjoy it more.

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Being relatively new, Rolling Thunder was a good event. It rained most of the time which added to the atmosphere (as breaker previously said). the good food and fire afterwards was very nice. This was my first mil-sim and i won't be forgetting it anytime soon. me and my group of friends had a blast and im pretty sure we were the youngest people there.




Good field

Good gameplay

Good food afterwards

Green had a great CO

The fire after wards was really nice



Foggy goggles (my fault)

Minor rule breaks

Many people left early so the raffle didn't happen

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Uhhh I don't what happened to Zombie or what event he was at, but this event (not counting the pour of rain) was great! I kinda knew it was going to rain from the time I woke up, seeing as how if theres even one cloud in the sky when I am about to go play it rains. But oh well, it added to the atmosphere of airsoft. So I liked the fact that the people running the event were very nice, greeted everyone, and even had out donuts for people. The crate of water they gave to each team was nice as well. They seemed to really want to impress everyone there, which in my opinion they succeeded at. I would definitely attend another event at The Predator Zone. The actually game, contrary to what Zombie stated, was well planned and all the objectives were easy to understand. The time between scenarios was certainly NOT 35 minutes, seemed more like 10, if that. But then again, I was tired, slightly depressed from all the rain and my guns failure, and often just staring off into the distance until we were given new orders, so maybe that was just me...

Which brings me to the next mini topic; my guns failure. The night before, my gearbox locked up, the morning before we left, I was trying to fix the problem, and did, but then ended up stripping my motor plate screws. Along with my already unfortunate luck, I lost the other screw, so I ended up having to Gorilla Tape the motor plate to the grip, which really didn't work either. Now instead of being saddened the entirety of the day and it being ruined, I still somehow managed to play through everything and ended up still happy I went. Something tells me that happened because the game was so fun. So yes, overall this was a great event and, albeit feeling like a swimming pool, I really enjoyed it. Good job guys



- Friendly EOs

- Not too many people

- Had a spare gun with me

- No cheating

- Didn't lose anything important



- Abundant rain

- All the mud, I fell 3 times

- Never got to use my pistol due to the entire right side being caked in mud

- Forgot to bring towels for afterwards


Btw, did anybody else feel like they were in the French town scene of Saving Private Ryan, the one where Caparzo dies, and they have that big shout off mit die Deutschen soldiers?

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In response to Zombies AAR, We're sorry you had a bad time, and we appreciate your opinion, bad or good. Operation Sledgehammer will be a different type of event than Rolling Thunder was. It will be 3 Missions running between 2.5 to 3 hours each, two day Missions and 1 Night mission. The missions will be broken up by two 1 hour breaks, one of which will be for a Pizza Dinner.


Although i had a lot of fun at Rolling Thunder, i understand why you didnt. But i also think that Sledgehammer will be more along the lines of something you would enjoy. So i hope you can make it out to Operation Sledgehammer in May, and we're glad you at least came out to Rolling Thunder and gave it a try. If you have any questions about the field or OP: Sledgehammer, please feel free to send me a PM.


My quick AAR:


The way the gameplay was set up kept things moving in a constant direction and there was almost always a fire fight to be a part of.

Free Doughnuts.

There was a cook out.

EO was on top of keeping things going.

My Team mates listened to orders very well.



Cold rain eventually got to me.

Batteries in both guns lost charge.

Only got to see part of the field.

Team CO's lacked experience in leading. Although Squad Leaders were able to step up and help out with leading, so it didnt really effect the Green Team negatively.


Can't wait for OP:Sledgehammer May 19th!

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I did not like the event but i did have a good time playing with you guys and am glad i went, I plan on attending Op. Sledgehammer look forward to seeing you there

P.S i couldnt find any doughnuts :P

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