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Impact Noob Day


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IMPACT's annual noob day at Joker's circus.

For those that don't know Noob days are held to help new players become introduced to the sport where non-milsim style games or challenges are held. This event was exactly just that


-This event was a great season opener for me.

-There was clearly a huge number of new players, I put more names to faces then I think I ever have at any event.

-The weather was fantastic,

-Hit calling problems were few if any.

-I wore skinny jeans with punk band patches, woodland camo jacket, and carried a A&K m249 saw with a 300 round highcap mag (not boxmag)


Suck it Jared/GBN


-And obligatory AI raid to nearest Bdubs.

-Answered my phone and held a conversation during a high point in the action where I was prone with Hrturner defending the bunker at the top of the field

-Holding out attacking the same bunker a round later where 4 players ended with 4 broken rifles. It was down to myself and Assassin holding off a larger opposing force with just 2 springer pistols and a GBB pistol with a handful of mags. I ended up holding off to another 20 minutes or so before being killed by a possible friendly.



periods between games were kinda long


Overall it was a great event and I am excited for this upcoming season and the high level of quality of players that it looks like are going to be around for the upcoming Night/Zombie/Milsim filled season.

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All good. Finally made it out to Jokers Circus. Great day and great people.


Got to shoot with guys I aint seen in awhile

got shot by guys I aint seen in awhile

Crimson letting me run his 60



Nachoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hahahaha


Thanks Joker.

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Greetings Gentlemen,


I wanted to give at least a half ass AAR.



-Good season opener

-A lot of vets I haven't seen in a very long time attended.

-An absolute shitload of new people or people I have never met before.



-Circus was packed. It's not really a con, as it did not negatively effect the day. But that was the most I have seen there in quite a while. Optimally, you want no more than 50 people on that field.

-Imbalanced Teams. I really blame myself for this one. I kind of encouraged it. The Mercs got switched over to the taped side toward the end of the first round and had to experience the punishment that we created through the stacking of a side and the tactics and troop movement we lead. Taped side was pretty fucked, well, till the next round where the Mercs coordinated the new guys.

-General Maximo (Pablo) was not in attendance.


What can we do to make that better?


-Circus over packed on a noob day? Don't try to stop it. It really is what we all would have liked to have seen.

-Since it was my fault that the teams were imbalanced, I need to quit encouraging that / hand picking the guys I run with. I should have been a better sport about it. Lesson learned. (well, until a big game)


Highlights of the Day:


1. I saw the most amazing knife kill to date toward the end of round 1. A taped guy (and please speak up on if this was you) was surrounded on all sides, pinned down in the creek bed, hopped up the creek to the front of a bunker, reached over and knife killed (with a plastic knife) 2 guys who were posted up. It was far more amazing to see it than it is for me to recount it.


2. Poncho and his crew. They made my day. Those guys are on my 'to be stacked on Raphiki's team' list. They were patient, focused, aggressive when I needed, and flexible, but most importantly... Enthusiastic!


3. There was another great team that I can't remember the name of right now, I was calling them by name as an aggressor squad who had the top of the hill for the second round that did really well. I wanted to give those guys props. I am sorry for forgetting.


4. BigAltes is the newest addition to the Naptown Mercs (N.M.E.), We have been offering it to him for a couple of years, but he just accepted yesterday. He is one of the best squad leaders in the state, and there is no better squad leader to pick up new guys and or a gaggle-fuck and make them successful. He is eccentric and weird, and there are mixed feelings about him. But because of that specifically and the fact that he is a great leader, he is a perfect match for the Mercs. "Every (Naptown) Merc is a leader." (We proved that yesterday.)


5. I was glad to see the taped side hold their own in the second round. It pleased me.


6. Just seeing Oklahoma, Shwaisey, Rob, Jeff, Crimson, 50inch, and Harvest made me tingle a bit inside. These are guys I miss playing with and are among some of the people I call friends.



Final thoughts:


I didn't want to go out and lead at all at this game; I just wanted to Merc it up. Tony made a line and I quote, "Raphiki could lead a dead cat to victory, I have seen him do it." While I am disappointed I didn't just get to run at a rifleman level, I am glad I could help out.



If I had to bring a crew to Blind Fury of my picking to serve as a platoon, it would have been everyone in attendance today. Such a great turnout...

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I had a great day yesterday, definitely a good way to start my airsoft season. I hope i have as much fun at the rest of the games this year.



~Got to put a lot of faces to names, meet a bunch of folks.

~WCA boys - I was born and raised in Wayne County, and know some of the team, so it was awesome to see them out and run with them. They even lent me a SAW when I discovered that I had reversed the polarity in my gearbox when I swapped to Dean's.

~M249 SAW - Haven't carried one since basic, suprised I remember as much about it as I do. I have discovered my next weapon's purchase

~Swing a rifle in any direction and I could hit an enemy



~Heard a few people grumble about kids not taking their hits, but I didn't have that problem so not really a con for me.

~getting knocked out of the siege game by a shot to the foot!

~A&K box mag hiccups - I'll have to make sure to buy a spare or two when I get a M249 so i don't go down in the middle of a shoot out again lol. running a high cap out of a saw is a pain!



All in all a great day for me, so I want to thank Joker and the IMPACT crew for all their work. I hope Joker got S%*t faced last night lol.

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Thanks Joker and IMPACT for a good day of fun, Saw a lot of people I haven't seen in a year and it was nice to have them in the field shooting at myself. I will not do a pro and con, because this day was all about the new players, and for that I had a mindset of not being too serious in the field and also to stay off my soapbox. Thanks Dale for the kind words, I am honored to be a merc, but I will post a different thread about that and some SUPRISES for all you boys and girls.

the worst part for myself was not being able to stay all day, but I have been playing every weekend for the past month and had to get to work that night.

Oh, on this note "1. I saw the most amazing knife kill to date toward the end of round 1. A taped guy (and please speak up on if this was you) was surrounded on all sides, pinned down in the creek bed, hopped up the creek to the front of a bunker, reached over and knife killed (with a plastic knife) 2 guys who were posted up. It was far more amazing to see it than it is for me to recount it." that was LilAltes that was knifed, he was so mad at himself for letting it happened.

Once again Thanks everybody, and I do agree that this group and maybe a few northern friends would be a kick ass blind fury platoon, ( we just need to decide on a leader of said platoon :hijack: )

Will see everybody at Rob's game in a few weeks :ph34r:

Big Out

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I snagged a few photos on my ipod in between games.









And can anyone tell me who that guy is in the purple shirt? He must be a noob or something because I have never seen him, any help would be greatly appreciated.

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3. There was another great team that I can't remember the name of right now, I was calling them by name as an aggressor squad who had the top of the hill for the second round that did really well. I wanted to give those guys props. I am sorry for forgetting.



I think that might have been me and my group of friends! :D

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Wow what a day (and night).


First I would like to thank everyone that showed up to this event! It might have very well been the biggest Noob Day IMPACT has hosted. And just 20 or 30 players shy of possibly our biggest event ever. So its safe to say that was one hell of a way to start the airsoft season. A special shout out to the ladies in attendance, it is very cool to see more and more of you getting into airsoft.


I am just going to briefly touch on the teams thing. They were honestly not as unballanced as they first may have appeared. It really wasnt noobs vs. vets. They had Team Spartan, SAFE, and members of WCA. Their down fall was a lack of aggression and physical numbers, I think there were about 10 short (that was my bad). So thats why I switched NME and SIPA to their side. After that things seemed to balance out better.


Overall I think the new players learned a lot wether they know it yet or not. We had very few hit calling issues, everyone kept their goggles on, and positive attitudes all around. From everyone I talked to they seemed to have a good time which is one of my main goals in this. The weather was great. And in another month or so the feild will be so grown up and thick you wont be able to see your hands in front of your faces.



-The time inbetween games was a little long. But trying to get you guys motivated and geared up for the next round is more difficult then you might think. Thats one plus MilSim games have over this, it may not be the most action packed but it is constant play.

-I did not get much trigger time in. :( But thats nothing new when I host.

-Honestly as far as noob days go or games in general there were very few if any cons.


I would like to thank IMPACT and everyone else that helped me out with this event. It can be a little stressful trying to do everything by yourself. Also a big thanks for all the donations, that money was not spent on my partying last night but will go towards field improvements for this year.


I am sure I am forgetting a lot of things but well you know... I did manage to get some sleep finally. :) I will also be starting a pic thread as soon as they are all uploaded. Thanks again and I hope you all had fun! See you guys soon.



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I had a great time, and considering I haven't been able to get out and play in almost 9 months, it was nice to see some old faces and learn many new.




- Holding the line with Schwizzle with spring pistols and 1 GBB, when all 4 aeg's went down. This was a great moment, if only the other team knew that is all we were packing behind that log, they'd be mad.

- Seeing old faces, and possibly shooting Altes again. That has always been one of my favorite things to do at an event.

- Great weather, and great turn out.




- Almost too many people for Joker's field, this isn't really a con, but it definitely changes events.

- All 3 of my guns having issues (like usual)

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Seeing as how this was our first event, my friends and I had a blast. Met alot of cool people and hope to see many of you at future events!



High attendance

Everyone was friendly and helpful

Somewhat imbalanced teams made the rounds interesting (also a con)



Very imbalanced teams (On the first round, The White Team kinda got their asses whooped)

Teams were a tad bit disorganized at first, but this fixed itself later on

Edited by S.T.A.L.K.E.R.
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Not really a aar, but can some of those dmr kits message me id love to ask some questions.


Now to the aar.


hadnt been out in a year so i got to shoot

got to play with and against some of my good friends

my gun didnt go down yet almost every one i know had some issues



little disorganized game at first

would love to have played more then just death match (granted at the end we got a little of that)

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This was our first ever airsoft event and we had a lot of fun. It was great getting to meet some of you and getting shot by probably most of you. Thanks to Joker and all the others who gave advice to a couple of noobs from Lafayette who are looking forward to our next event!



Great turn out

Our guns functioned great

Friendly and helpful players



First round a little disorganized

Learned a great deal about fogging lenses and couldn't see for about the last third of each round


Thanks to everyone and I look forward to seeing you all again.

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This game was amazing I loved meeting all of the people that share these forums with me. And I thank you all so much for helping me get more into airsoft this has been short I'm on an iPod so yeah


Pros : great people, awesome field, good noobs to shoot, Nachooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Cons : innotganized teams at first, getting pinned in the creek <---- not realy a con

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great game joker, crimson. you guys did a good job organizing and putting this together.

SAFE had a great time and was nice to meet people. (remeet people to, shwaisey) lol.

I took this very layed back and i should of taken this more serious and tried harder, only got 4 kills the whole day. lol.



loved the field improvements from last year guys.

the vets who came prepared, i think 50 (correct me if i'm wrong) had a extra pair of goggles for me when i lost mine for that 3 minutes. lol.

meeting all SIPA and WCA and the Mercs.

the dinners after words was great, my first time at bdubs. but f*** them for not letting us put tables together.



our team getting destroyed just about every round, lol.

not doing huge team switch ups like last year.

waiting a hour till a game is over when your one of the first out.

harvest not joining my team and only watching :( (we would of won EASYYYY)



Pros : great people, awesome field, good noobs to shoot,


you were a good noob to shoot, from what i heard. LOL!. just kidding.

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Wow, last time I was at Joker's circus was last November. There was five of us doing backyard games--Joker, Peli, Noxtoof, myself, and one other. This time there was 80! It was crowded, which is awesome! The way it should be! The most I've seen ever, and it looked like all 80 were having a good time.



1. The white team advance in the second game.

2. Found my tennis ball "grenade" from last fall.

3. Good sportsmanlike conduct by everyone. Made the event that much better





1. I fired my first friendly fire ever :mad: .

2. Dang the wired fence! *trip!*-*Splat!*

3. Was hoping for one more game at the end, but I still had plenty of trigger time.




Bdubs after the game was awesome, as always. We took up 6 tables. I wonder how things would've been if we had gone to steak-n-shake instead :frantics:


Hope to see all you new guys at the zombie game Apr. 21.

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Thanks to everyone who showed up and made the game fun! It was great to see old faces and meet a lot of the new guys as well.



*Meeting all the new guys

*Not dieing on the way to the field with archfiend :lol:

*Actually getting to play again

*Shwaisey's little spring pistols

*Raiding Bdubs with 29 people!



*Circus is too small, I say next time we storm the paintball field!

*Zebrex's daughter saying I looked like I was 35 :lol:

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the dinners after words was great, my first time at bdubs. but f*** them for not letting us put tables together.


Yeah that was a first of them not letting us but I think they were so busy that they didnt have any extra square tables to spare. So we had to sit at the circle ones.There is always next time lol.


I know the field is pretty small especially for 80+ players. But I promise in another month or so you could have 100 players out there no problems. Well except for the parking lol. When if fully greens up it gets thick out there. And one of these days when I win the lottery I will be able to afford to buy a bigger airsoft field.


Anyhoo I am glad you all had a good time. Incase you did not know pics were posted in General DIscussion.



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This is my NEWB overview.


This was truly my first airsoft game. I came there expecting the many personalities that existed between the players. The mix was pretty good for the number of people that showed up. A handful of older guys, some woman, some little kids and the rest teens and twenty something's. I observed some trash talking and chest puffing but overall everyone was there to have fun.


The newbs all got in line to chrono first which put us all in line to get the white tape. I saw how this stacking was occurring so I stood back and didn't get taped. The first round, the tape side got their butts handed to them. Apparently due to the size of the field, there wasnt really any room to keep pushing forward, so the word went around to pull back. This was kind of a let down.


Obviously, the game style is dictated by the size of the field and the terrain available. I think my newb brain was thinking it was going to be more milsim patrol on patrol style firefights. It was all fun still. I had to leave early, so I only got a few hours of gaming in, so I didn't really talk to much of anyone. I found out how out of shape I am as well, hehe. This 42 year old body is still feeling it, ugh.

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The newbs all got in line to chrono first which put us all in line to get the white tape. I saw how this stacking was occurring so I stood back and didn't get taped. The first round, the tape side got their butts handed to them. Apparently due to the size of the field, there wasnt really any room to keep pushing forward, so the word went around to pull back. This was kind of a let down.



Yea, this probably had a lot to do with the fact that most of the vets were running chrono, helping others get geared up, fixing weapons (I know I looked at three myself while helping at chrono :lol: ) and other misc tasks. Although midway through that first round we noticed it too and I think 5-7 guys including the Mercs switched over to attempt to help balance things out. Live and learn. Hopefully the next one we will know more of the players and their skill levels so we can get things a little more balanced out!

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What a great day of airsoft! Good weather, a lot of targets, and bbs flying everywhere. I cannot complain.


Thank you Joker, IMPACT, and everyone involved in making this a great noob day. Glad I spent my 16th birthday playing toy guns with you guys.

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