Shwaisey Posted November 13, 2011 Share Posted November 13, 2011 OP Outbreak Omega was designed to put a small team against a score of motivated zombies and run around completing crazy objectives. and it was just that. The weather was great, a little cloudy and very windy but it made for a very spooky AO. The field with it's various meth lab RV's and Winnebagos in a compound layout was great for a fall zombie game. There was 4 rounds in the game plan but due to lack of energy/players later in the evening EO's moved it down to 3. Four ups:-Quality of players attending, I was very impressed with the newer players that attended. I did not hear about a single not calling hit issue and everyone was very friendly. I also got the chance to watch some of the newer guys play and I was hugely impressed with what I saw, staying low, hiding in plain site (I blame Joker for rubbing off on everyone ) Good small unit tactics and communication between squadmates. You new guys need to get out to some big games and see how good you actually are. And it was awesome to see some out of state guys come all the way from Kentucky, They ran Freedom Fighter at Irene with in another platoon than the AI guys this year but they were very fun to run with when I was role playing the scientist, I hope to see them on the field again.-The AO is great for what the MOUT stuff we want to do. -Hrturner/Peli games are always fun and I would argue more intricate than alot of big name Mil-Sims out there.If anyone ever gets the chance to make it to one you will never regret it. -I had to much fun playing as a zombie, banging on walls and running around being myself was a great way to get some stress relief off of work. Downs:-that no humans came to get the diesel fuel while I was cramped in that darn trash can. I sat in there for two rounds waiting to pop out at people.. honestly though, that game pretty much defines why I play army on weekends with friends from around the state. I got the thrill and adrenaline of clearing buildings in the dark with zombies running at us as well as going about my usual Shwaisey Shenanigans as a zombie. Then getting to know some of the other guys a little bit more in between games and the massive raid to Bdubs at one in the morning to hangout and make Dragon jealous that he was working is almost as fun as playing the game itself. And two special shout outs:- to Hrturner for letting me crash his couch, for modsquad would be one short if I had tried to drive home after the game.-Peli/S_Z/HrTurner/everyone who helped me search for my dropped 1911 during the last elimination round, that was very appreciated, makes me proud of the community we have. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Marshal Harvest Posted November 13, 2011 Share Posted November 13, 2011 (edited) AAR to come. Edited November 13, 2011 by hrturner Fixed your link Harv... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
simic Posted November 13, 2011 Share Posted November 13, 2011 I would like to congratulate hrturner, and peli for a job well done for this op.It was my first zombie op and my first night game as well. The ups...Everyone calling their hits.The wind.the fellowship that was shown between the long time players and the new people. The downs...Me wedging myself under one of the beds and not taking some of the best shots ever. Other than that it was a great game and I look forward to being able to come and play when the spring comes. Simic P.S. I thing I lost a black high cap mag for my M4 where we all parked. If anyone found it please let me know thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joker Posted November 13, 2011 Share Posted November 13, 2011 My knees are killing me, im sore. I am covered in welts and bruises Mission accomplished. Shwaisey gets the "Barrel of Monkeys Award" aka "Zombie in a can Award" Downs:I can honestly not think of anything negative to say! Except maybe that I did not get to be hit with the light saber lol. Ups:AOPropsAnd pretty much everything else. Thank you Rob and Peli for putting on this zombie game at this AO. And thank you to all the the players that came out to the game. Everyone did a great job as a squad running the gauntlet and as being crazy zombies. Even though everyone was getting real tired towards the end you zombies kept on running at them. To SQUAD DISCOVERY CHANNEL that was seriously some of the most fun I have had at a game in a long time. Running with you guys was a pleasure as always. And for those of you who saw me before the zombies were in play (the amazing comeback), that might have been one of my best knife kills ever. I cant wait to see all the video. This = me most of the night: ~Joker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Archfiend Posted November 13, 2011 Share Posted November 13, 2011 ya i agree with everyone, the games was set up very nice and it was a blast. i cant wait to play with you all again. I don't think there was any downs besides my team leaving early My favorite part was when me and Zero lit those Kentucky kids up on full auto when they were carrying those mattresses. lol good times. All in all i had a amazing time and learned alot. i defiantly won't miss hrturner or peli's next game. great EO work guys. and i speak for my whole team. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Vacceo Posted November 13, 2011 Share Posted November 13, 2011 First things first, this game happened because Rob and Peli worked their asses off; considering that Rob is half crippled, that gives him even more credit. The props were a lot of fun, the objetives were fun to accomplish and the environment was great. *Pros:-Variety of scenarios: an initial skirmish, a recollection of objects and a final run like hell.-VERY well prepared props and ways to interact with them.-Excelent environment. *Cons:-Wind was a pain to place bb´s, even when weather added a great feeling to an already great environment. However, there´s nothing you can do about that. I´d like to send a huge thank you to everyone playing. This is something I shouldn´t be saying since it´s supposed to come with the game, but the level of honesty and sportmanship I saw in the game is among the best I have ever seen: good and honest players do not only make the game experience better, but also remind you what airsoft is really about. I would also like to send a special thanks to the Discovery Channel people: Zero, Harvest, Shwaisey, Stealth and Joker. You guys rock; yesterday I saw some first class playstyle out there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KillCam Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 (edited) :frantics:haha Joker! That was you! Running out in the middle of the field This game was perfect! Props were cool, and the street lighting in the AO was just right. This AO would be ideal for more zombie events. Rob and Peli, awesome job! PROS: Everything! And Cygnus's shirt CONS: Absolutely nothing! Still getting used to CQB fighting. Mech, Cygnus, Wrath, Lynx, you guys were fun to run with. Hope to see you guys again soon! And I have to admit, that Zombie "Ninja" thing that my buddy Lynx did in that trailer was pretty epic. Media yet to come. ~KillCam Edited November 17, 2011 by KillCam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Snicker Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 Had an absolute blast coming out and playing with you all. It was well-worth the three hour trip from Louisville,and would do it again. The amount of effort invested in this scenario has probably been the best I've seen,and I've been playing almost/mostly every week for a year. It's pretty brave to run a Zombie game,and this was executed with camaraderie and professionalism. Thanks for the friendly welcomes,and will be seeing you fo sho'. The only downside was not getting more ASL players to come up. Bunch of lazy bums. Sustains: 1. The AO was astounding,with an eerie-deserted look relevant to the Zombie game.2. Rules progressed and flowed as we found ways to make the game better. 3. Everyone got into the Zombie spirit. Panic sets in when the walls are being bashed,and you hear them surrounding you from outside. Improv:1. The rules said the weapons would be chrono'ed with .20s,but the bag next to the chrono was .25s2. One of our guys unloading the M14 into someone's head point blank. Again,I want to apologize haha Scared the crap out of us. 3. Need more! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mech Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 Ok, here it comes. Two dorm buildings, long corridors, a multitude of bunk rooms lining the corridors all straight across from one another and Darkness. A cloud covered full moon, leaves blowing around in moderatly heavy wind. Two rows of hillbilly mansions lining the rear of the playing area. Shanies lining the tree line and a few RV/campers spread in 3 areas. Who could ask for a better setting for a Zombie game? Not me. The evening was almost perfect. The beginning of the event we were split into 4 teams. Each team had to escort a scientist to a lab location unknown to the other three teams trying to defend it. As teams completed their mission they were rewarded with objects that would come to great use during the nightfall to help while evading the zombies. They were objects like flares used to set up a perimeter that the zombies were not allowed to enter until the flare burned out or an antidote for an infection from a zombie as long as it was administered quickly. Unfortunately our team failed to pick up any of these items in turn we had no antidote to revive any infected teammates. This made things slightly more complicated for us. However, I believe it made things more challenging. When the zombie games first started after dark, I believe it was too challenging to be a zombie. The zombies could only walk dragging one foot on the ground and had to stay a few feet away from the entrances of the buildings. It seemed almost too difficult to get near the humans to stop them from completing their missions. I totally understood the reasoning for the way things were set up, they were simply looking out for the safety of the players. This was definitely a very close quarters situation for zombies hiding in the buildings or heading straight for the barrel of a rifle. The EO's did an excellent job adjusting the zombie rules on the fly and the intensity level picked up tremendously. The guys started getting into the roles and really put forth great effort. The veteran players really made the newer AI guys like myself feel "at home" once again. I felt very welcomed by everyone. Everyone had great sportsmanship, called their hits and exhibited themselves most honorably. I have never been a part of any organization that has bestowed this much comradery and sportsmanship in my entire lifetime regardless of the sport or club. This speaks volumes about AI, I applaud ALL of you. HrTurner, Peli and any one else who helped organize this event, I salute you! Hands down an awesome job. You guys sure know how to keep things exciting and fun! Thanks to all who showed up, without u all the great organizing in the world can't make a good game. Pros: everything about the day and night was very good, you read above this surly you can decipher what has already been said. Once again HIGH QUALITY PEOPLE with attitudes to match.Witnessed Cygnus take out almost every one from Team Discvery Channel (except Joker) witnessed Joker medic his whole team after taking out Cygnus and saw his epic knife kill.Ambushed Peli and SZ on their six. Ha ha, even an old dog like me gets lucky once in a while.The Epic Zombie Ninja. Just awesome stuff from Lynx. Swaziey's Zombie enthusiasm.Getting to run with Killcam and my bro Cygnus. And of course last bust not least. Cygnus's bloody T-Shirt Cons: The slow movement of the zombies in the beginning. Not a long term issue, once adjustments were made things got very challenging.Also, since I had never been a zombie before it took a few to catch on. By the end of the night I felt like a worthy opponent. Sore as hell today but well worth it.Nothing else here, if I had more I would just be making stuff up. A job well done by all. I am looking forward to seeing you guys again. Until the next battle arises....I'm out! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mech Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 (edited) Had an absolute blast coming out and playing with you all. It was well-worth the three hour trip from Louisville,and would do it again. The amount of effort invested in this scenario has probably been the best I've seen,and I've been playing almost/mostly every week for a year. It's pretty brave to run a Zombie game,and this was executed with camaraderie and professionalism. Thanks for the friendly welcomes,and will be seeing you fo sho'. The only downside was not getting more ASL players to come up. Bunch of lazy bums. Sustains: 1. The AO was astounding,with an eerie-deserted look relevant to the Zombie game.2. Rules progressed and flowed as we found ways to make the game better. 3. Everyone got into the Zombie spirit. Panic sets in when the walls are being bashed,and you hear them surrounding you from outside. Improv:1. The rules said the weapons would be chrono'ed with .20s,but the bag next to the chrono was .25s2. One of our guys unloading the M14 into someone's head point blank. Again,I want to apologize haha Scared the crap out of us. 3. Need more! I was the unlucky zombie who took that shot to the head. I have a nice size not on top of my crown and a little more than tender but I would take it all over again just to see the looks on your faces. Lmao, I am fine. That is the risk of the game we were playing. Hope y'all had fun cleaning out your shorts. Edited November 14, 2011 by Mech Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Barricade Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 I thank Rob and Peli done a great job and Im looking forward to taking my team to more events. Great knife kill Joker. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cygnus Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 Got a little indigestion from all the brains I ate last night. ALL PROS, NO CONS! Like a lot have said already, it was so good to play with the caliber of players that were part of this amazing event! I am so grateful for the honor and integrity of everybody. I want to personally thank Turner and Peli for their amazing talent in organizing last nights event. I cannot wait till the next game! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KillCam Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 Here are some video stills: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Marshal Harvest Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 Great game guys, can't really break this one down into three ups and three downs because I could talk all day and night about what was great and pretty much nothing bad. The only negatives that came out were on my personal side of things; 1.) I am so fat and out of shape. My out-of-shapeness was starting to show itself at Irene, its just bad now.2.) Ankle injury at Irene took me out of the game. I have to consider that my full time job forces me to be on the ankle in life or death situations, so when it starts hurting I have to back off of it.3.) The BAD lever on my PTW is coming off and going into the trash. They might work well on real rifles but the weight, and how touchy my particular PTWs bolt catch is, the weight of the lever kept pulling the bolt reset. If you watch the videos, there are about nine people who got to walk away without a red rag because when I pulled the damn thing up it had reset and wouldn't fire.4.) I need a helmet light for stuff like this. I saw a lot of good sportsmanship, and good team play. Glad to see this younger up and coming crowd is doing so well and has an awesome mindset. This game really made me proud of the newer players, very happy to see whats out there. Second generation AI is going to be awesome. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PELI Posted November 14, 2011 Share Posted November 14, 2011 first off I want to thank everyone that came out to the game... I am also very happy things worked out with the one little glitch we did lose 3 players because of that so lesson learned don't get impatient and leave before the final word has been said you missed out ... people requested a Zombie game and we thought one up that we felt would be fun for both sides and challenging and from the feed back I think that was accomplished. during the game I had a few good laughs and I heard people laughing so I am guessing people were having fun. we did not know the street lights worked and that changed things some , when we were thinking up the game we assumed that there would be no light so both zombies and the survivors would be able to sneak around more it still happened but not like I was hoping it would be. I already have Ideas for the next game and some prop ideas and rob and I had some ideas we did not use this game that will be used in the next . again Thanks to everyone that came out and played it was fun seeing you all have a good time . Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Jeremy Posted November 15, 2011 Share Posted November 15, 2011 (edited) This was my first zombie game and it was the most fun game i have played in yet. The props where really cool and thought out very well. Pros. Turning my whole team after i was turned into a zombie. (sorry Kentucky guys) Everything about the game, and the place was awesome to play at. Cons. Communication error with the people that owned the place but it all worked out perfect in the end. Edited November 15, 2011 by Jeremy Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comrade S_Z Posted November 16, 2011 Share Posted November 16, 2011 I had a great time. It was one of the best games I've been to. Thanks to HRTurner and Peli for putting the game on, and the awesome props. The full moon night was perfect, and the wind that was blowing down the dorm room halls was eerie to say the least. I look forward to the next game at this field. Team Discovery Channel for the win! Dragon, you need to get your eyes checked bro. One of our guys unloading the M14 into someone's head point blank. Again,I want to apologize haha Scared the crap out of us.If you're talking about towards the end of the night over by the Winnebago, that was me. It's cool man. I got two of you at least. I saw a lot of good sportsmanship, and good team play. Glad to see this younger up and coming crowd is doing so well and has an awesome mindset. This game really made me proud of the newer players, very happy to see whats out there. Second generation AI is going to be awesome.I concur. The BAD lever on my PTW is coming off and going into the trash. They might work well on real rifles but the weight, and how touchy my particular PTWs bolt catch is, the weight of the lever kept pulling the bolt reset. If you watch the videos, there are about nine people who got to walk away without a red rag because when I pulled the damn thing up it had reset and wouldn't fire.I hate them on real rifles too, but to each his own. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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