Comrade S_Z Posted September 19, 2011 Share Posted September 19, 2011 OP: Urgent Solution was Airsoft Indiana’s first official joint-team event, hosted by members of ModSquad, SG-1, and IMPACT. With an attendance of roughly 40 players, spread over 5 constant objective points on the large Valley Branch field, the game often felt like a LRRP mission. It’s a game type long missed from the earlier days of the IAA, and it was as exhilarating now as it was then. For those of us that long for “the good olds days”, this game was a page straight out of that book. The combination of a rugged field and chilly rain made the game very environmentally challenging, but I didn’t hear a single complaint from players on either side. I feel confident saying this event was a huge success, and I look forward to many more games on this field. I would like to thank Gary, the owner of Valley Branch Retreat, for allowing us to use his great facility, and the open invite for AI to host further games. I would also like to thank hrturner and all the members who attended the AI meeting a few months back for getting this game setup. The proceeds of this game went to help with the necessary logistics for an AI contingent to represent the community this year at Irene, a worthy cause in establishing AI’s name amongst players in nearby states and the national airsoft scene. One of the defining features of this event’s success wasn’t in the numbers attending, but who those players were. Over half of the players were new players, most haven’t even registered on this forum yet. Through word of mouth, these players showed, and played their heart out all day. I met a lot of new faces, and hopefully now that they’ve had a taste of a “big game”, they’ll be back for more. There was a group of 4 players from Indy’s west side that came out and played for SAC, and really proved themselves. I didn’t get all their names/screen-names, but I communicated extensively with their RTO, Shepard. This 4 man team did an excellent job holding their own, running recon, and communicating with command. I would like to thank them for coming out, and I hope to see them out to more AI games. Eagle- It was nice running with you all day. Good times, indeed. The ICON forces, commanded by PELI, did a great job. ICON forces ended up coming out on top, with a combined total of ~13hrs on objectives, versus the SAC’s ~8.5 hrs on objectives. The ICON forces held the fortified Refinery and Comms Station sites all day, which proved to be key to their success. Bravo, gentleman. The elimination game at the end of the day in the city was epic. Thanks again to all who made it out, and made it a great event. To those who missed it, you won't want to miss the next one. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 19, 2011 Share Posted September 19, 2011 Good job ICON on your victory! SAC you guys gave em hell all day, I know cause I often found myself in the middle of some intense battles! As zero said, Thanks for coming out! It was great to meet A TON of new people not to mention 4 more people who live less than 30 minutes from Dragon, Eagle, and Myself! Small world indeed. I apologize for my late AAR. I dont know about you guys but I got home, ate some food, and passed out! Valley Branch Retreat was a lot more difficult to traverse than I originally estimated! I can only imagine how difficult it must have been for those of you who had to move through the place all day! Pro's:*Weather, for the most part, was perfect for airsoft. Cool, not humid, and slightly overcast. Still though, sun and 72 would have been great (Stupid weather man).*Meeting a lot of new players on a new field *Continuing the tradition of getting a large group to go get some food after! That is what the sport is about right there. *Watching some intense firefights*The force on force game at the end***I didnt hear one bought of "No Hit calling" arguments all day. Considering the amount of new players we had, I was utterly blown away by the great sportsmanship shown by everyone! Con's:*We didnt get to start on time, no biggy. Weather and I'm sure field location didnt help much in these regards.*having to crutch around that stupid valley all day! <_> All in all great game, great players, great field! Looking forward to seeing everyone out on the field again! i will get my photos and videos up ASAP. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PELI Posted September 19, 2011 Share Posted September 19, 2011 I had a great time this place has some rugged terrain also seems like the outer fields had not even been used this year for paintball I want to thank Icon for the great job they did and their good usage of comms I came to the game expecting to just run around and have no responsibility's so I came unprepared no radio or headset and that has always been a pet peeve of mine when players don't have radios. I also guessed since it was raining that the player turn out was going to be lower and I was wrong about that I think it was a perfect day for playing it never really rained just little drizzles here and there if there were any players that did not attend because of the rain you missed out it was also good to meet so many new players anyway I would like to thank everyone that came out Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eagle Posted September 19, 2011 Share Posted September 19, 2011 I had a great time! This is probably the most relaxed game since the Merc days and it felt pretty good. I'll keep it simple since class is about to start... PROs:-Seeing all the new people. I'm glad the new guys had a good time and got a taste of a bigger event. I remember my first event after doing just backyard battles -Simple and fun objectives. Awesome change of pace from the typical ultra-1337 objectives.-Good trigger time-Exciting field-Had a blast running with Zero for several hours CONs:-My goggles were fogged literally all day -New guys had some issues with goggles in the AO. They were promptly corrected, I don't think it will be as much of a problem in future events.-Gas is really expensive haha-I played like poopy All in all I had a lot of fun. This will probably be my last event as a player until Irene, so it will serve as a nice and enjoyable change of pace before the big Milsim. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
bringinpain24-7 Posted September 19, 2011 Share Posted September 19, 2011 I just wanted to thank everyone for their hospitality at the event. It was our third event running together and we all had a blast playing for S.A.C. it was cool meeting all you guys. I do not remember everyone's name but everyone was helpful and seemed like a real good group of guys. Zero, nice job on getting everyone in place for S.A.C. It was cool to b.s with you guys for a while too. We had a good time running recon and fighting in the city. Peli, thanks for the BB's we would have been screwed without them. Turner, you got some dedication man, hobbling up and down hills all day while being shot at on several occasions. Also a big thanks to the group of young guys that had our flank on the ridge the last part of the day. You guys saved our tales a couple times. Overall, this was a great event. After attending some events with really bad organization and oversized egos, its nice to know events like this one are out there. It was a pleasure fellas. Hope to see you all at the next one. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nox Posted September 20, 2011 Share Posted September 20, 2011 Overall, great event. Even after being postponed about 2 months, it was still worth it. 3 likes:- Finally got to put names with faces- Even though all i had to eat was a granola bar halfway through the day (thanks to Widow's son) I for once never got tired when playing. There was action almost the entire time- We all shared some good moments and laughs 3 dislikes:- Was hoping it would be a non-rainy event for once- Like i said above, I didn't eat until halfway through the day- I recently re-aligned my hopup spacer and forgot to re-adjust the hopup, so i didn't realize all my shots were curving down at about 100' until maybe 2 hours in Closing thoughts, I loved the game. The two friends I brought with me loved it, and Jay (he has the welt on his neck) wants to get a good gun and start coming out to more games. Also, whoever it was that slid around the side of the structure with two sets of stairs in the last deathmatch, good job to you sir. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eagle Posted September 20, 2011 Share Posted September 20, 2011 Also, whoever it was that slid around the side of the structure with two sets of stairs in the last deathmatch, good job to you sir. Now I usually don't like to brag butttttt... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
M4lipo008 Posted September 20, 2011 Share Posted September 20, 2011 My first organized airsoft and was the best airsoft experience ever! Pros:Amazing fieldThe admin and players were extremely niceThe firefights and overall action was freakin awesome!Nice and organizedThe rain added a nice touch to the tactical gameplay. Cons:My stupid goggles fogged up all the timeDidn't get to see the smoke grenade go off!!! The squad I tagged along with was legit. Killcam, Black Widow, and I can't remember the other guys but you guys were beast and I hope to see you guys at another event at Valley Branch!!!Also thanks Cameron for letting me borrow you M4 at the last battle in the City!!! -Texas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Cygnus Posted September 20, 2011 Share Posted September 20, 2011 The Blue Tiger Recon was honored to attend! We have been wanting to go to an event like this for a long time and with this being our first, we are very glad to have experienced it. All of you guys out there made this whole thing well worth going. I personally cannot wait till the next event that we are able to attend. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Sky Marshal Harvest Posted September 20, 2011 Share Posted September 20, 2011 Want pics and vidya! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
starblade54 Posted September 21, 2011 Share Posted September 21, 2011 (edited) The squad I tagged along with was legit. Killcam, Black Widow, and I can't remember the other guys but you guys were beast and I hope to see you guys at another event at Valley Branch!!!Also thanks Cameron for letting me borrow you M4 at the last battle in the City!!! -Texas of forgot just me oh and Osirus...i almost forgot him too hahah Edited September 21, 2011 by starblade54 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 21, 2011 Share Posted September 21, 2011 Want pics and vidya! Working on getting my video's converted and uploaded! Should be up tomorrow. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 21, 2011 Share Posted September 21, 2011 Photos are up here: I will post links to the videos here in a few. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 21, 2011 Share Posted September 21, 2011 VIDEO LINKS!!! ZOMG?!!? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nox Posted September 21, 2011 Share Posted September 21, 2011 I still cant believe blue won the last match! Our last guy had never played a game that was outside a backyard and lasted longer then 45min. I think we should do some more small team deathmatches. They really make you stay alert and communicate with your team Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
KillCam Posted September 23, 2011 Share Posted September 23, 2011 Video is up! I've set it up as a small promotional. If you guys don't want it set up as a promotional let me know and I'll re-upload. Hope you enjoy! ~KillCam Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
PELI Posted September 23, 2011 Share Posted September 23, 2011 Video is up! I've set it up as a small promotional. If you guys don't want it set up as a promotional let me know and I'll re-upload. Hope you enjoy! ~KillCam vid but I think this song would be better Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 23, 2011 Share Posted September 23, 2011 ^^lmao Peli! Nice video killcam, Glad you spliced in some other angles! That part with eagle is badass! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comrade S_Z Posted September 24, 2011 Author Share Posted September 24, 2011 Looks great, KillCam! Can't wait to see Eagle's videos. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Eagle Posted September 24, 2011 Share Posted September 24, 2011 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
hrturner Posted September 24, 2011 Share Posted September 24, 2011 HAHAHA, The last 5 seconds of that video was awesome! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Comrade S_Z Posted September 25, 2011 Author Share Posted September 25, 2011 Thanks Eagle. Backstory: I was running with Eagle to check on the flag in the city. We get to the city, it was like a ghost town. As we walked towards the flag, we saw a few players scramble to the barrier behind the control tower. So we moved up, and engaged. I hit one player, and worked around the right flank keeping them down with semi fire. I stopped firing when I was at Eagle's 2 o'clock position to see if they'ed pop up. The 2nd player looked up facing Eagle, and appearently had his finger on the trigger, because when I shot him he lit up the ceiling with a 10 bb burst. Immediately a 3rd player pops up firing in every direction, and I engaged with semi fire to keep him pinned down as I moved further to the right for cover. Now I'm at Eagle's 12 o'clock, and Eagle shoots the 3rd blue team member. I move up to secure the control tower, with rifle at the low ready, as Eagle comes around the corner and hits me COM with a 3rd burst. All of this happened within a minute, within a 20ft radius of the control tower. It was beautiful, and a good lesson in target identification. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
dragon Posted September 25, 2011 Share Posted September 25, 2011 I totally forgot to post my aar!!! Pros: I love games in the rain, dunno why I just do.The temp was nearly perfect for airsoft even though I wasn't playing.People seemed to have a really good time.The gameplay went smoothly I think, very few hitches is always a good thing.The action in the valley and around the bridge. I was so jealous of all of the players and the minute I was in as field doc I had to get trigger time. lol Cons:I'm always rested before games except this one. 3 hours of class then nearly 12 hours on my feet at work, then 2 hours of sleep before the drive to the field was exhausting. Climbing those hills back and forth drained me and I was almost falling asleep during a firefight near the bus. lolI can't think of much else other than one major issue with newer players. NEVER TAKE OFF YOUR GOGGLES IN THE FIELD!!!. This was covered in the safety briefing twice I believe. I can't stress enough how important it is to protect yourself as much as possible, whenever possible. Thanks to everyone involved and everyone who came out to play, I had fun even though it probably didn't seem like it. lol Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Joker Posted September 25, 2011 Share Posted September 25, 2011 Sorry guys no real AAR from me (no internet). I did have a blast and thought things went really well. It was great to play on the field again, it really brought back a lot of old memories for me. I hope that since this game was a success that we can continue to host games on this field and host as Airsoft Indiana, not just small team things. ~Joker Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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