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  1. Operation Summer Tears brings you a new annual game: Operation Fall Frenzy. This will be an annual fall open-play operation. No story-mode game operations, no specific scenario games like past events -- just an open-play day of Airsoft fun! This event will take place at eXplore Brown County. Address as follows: 2620 Valley Branch RoadO Nashville, IN 47448 Cost is $10 and is to be given to XBC directly. Waivers must be filled out prior to arrival and can be found here. XBC opens at 0900, but please arrive no earlier than 0905 and we will check in together when at least a few of us arrive. We will walk to the back of the field at 0945 and will begin our games at 1000. We will spend most of the day at the back of the fields so we don't interfere with normal operations or paintballers. We will play until 1800 or until everyone packs up for the day. Everyone should be dispersed by 1900. Schedule: Arrive between 0905 and 0935 (no earlier than 0905, please) Walk to fields at 0945 Games start at 1000 Lunch at 1200 Games resume at 1300 (or when everyone's finished - lunch will be at base of map where we first arrive and check in. It's a 10 minute walk, so may be later than 1300.) Games end at 1800 Everyone dispersed by 1900 Lunch will be bring-your-own or a drive into town (advised against this due to time constraints, but it's your choice. We won't wait for you.) or purchase hot dogs/hamburgers from field. If you bring coolers or snacks, which we advise, please pack snacks in a backpack or bag that you can carry to the top of the field. We will all help carry large coolers to the back if any players/teams bring a large shared (or single, it may be hot) cooler. Rules will vary depending on the various game-modes we play, but they are pretty basic. No special gear required. However, ammunition must be biodegradable! Games will include but are not limited to: Find the SniperTeam Death MatchBad IntelScreaming BabyDefend the BusVIP ExtractionVIP EscortSearch and RescueCapture the FlagDisarm the BombTeams will be based on Green/Tan colors. Black and white patterns, though we'd prefer no one wears these base colors, will be tan. This does not include black vests or plate carriers. MultiCam will be placed on green or tan to balance teams. UCP (ACU) will be green, unless otherwise specified on game-day to balance teams. We also encourage you to bring comms and print off a map or two. Official map can be found here and our OST satellite map can be found here. We cannot stress enough the importance of hydration! We will have water available at the top of the field for canteens and camelbaks, but please also bring Gatorade or other form of electro-hydrates. Water is important, but it's not everything. It's probably going to be hot, and you'll be doing a lot of running around and a very short ruck carrying everything to the top and bottom of the field. Also, if you didn't attend Operation Quagmire and/or would like an official Operation Summer Tears patch, we will be selling them for $5 each. Patch sales are what fund our events and allow us to provide you goodies at larger events like last year.
  2. Fang

    Operation Quagmire Aar

    Greetings, everyone! I hope everyone had a great time at Operation Quagmire! This will be the After Action Report for Operation Quagmire. Please tell us what you liked, what you didn't like, what went well in your opinion, what did not go well, and what you would do differently if you were to run this event. Please feel free to criticize us or critique us. That is how we learn. I am well aware we had some problem players yesterday. I apologize for these players ruining the game for everyone. I am going to get their names, and chances are they will not ever be coming back to any Operation Summer Tears event in the future. I was made aware that these were the same players from "Team A" at McCordsville six weeks ago. If you know their names, team affiliation, or have any information to share of their misconduct on the field yesterday, please send me a PM. An official After Action Report will be published sometime this winter, and most of it will be available for the public to view upon request. Photos will be uploaded to the forum this evening, as will videos I took. If you have any videos or photos, please post them on the forum, or email them to me at operationsummertears@gmail.com. Please also email them to amber@explorebrowncounty.com. To the individual who dragged me out of that blasted crater, please send me the entire raw footage of the event, or post it to YouTube so I can view it. I can also post it to our YouTube channel as well, if you'd like. If so, I will edit out any foul language. Or you can, if you'd prefer. Thank you everyone for coming, and I hope to see you at the next event! Storyline will be updated by the end of the week on the forum. If you were part of Q.U.I.E.T., please PM me or email me your callsign and rank. Thank you. By the way, aren't you guys glad I didn't get that 350 pound rescue randy?
  3. Operation Quagmire, an Operation Summer Tears series event. This event will take place at eXplore Brown County on October 14th, 2017. Address: 2620 Valley Branch Road Nashville, Indiana 47448Times: 10am-7pm Arrive no later than 11:30! Admission: $15 A brief background: On June 23rd, 2016 in the late summer evening, three Blue Bloods infiltrated the communications sector of a Nomengedon base. The three were quickly spotted and hunted. One was KIA, callsign Russian. The other two took care of the rest, and went into hiding among the brush and treeline of the base. Both are badly injured, and don't have much time left. There will be three teams during the scenario portion of the event: Team Blue Blood, Nomengedon, and Q.U.I.E.T. Team Blue Blood is a closed team, and will be the team the two forces are fighting over. Nomengedon is the enemy team in this operation, but will be made up of the most players. Q.U.I.E.T. is a partially closed team. There is a limited number of spots on the team. At the time of this writing, there are only nine spots open. For Q.U.I.E.T. players, this will be a direct action mission and only experienced players are permitted on this team. If you wish to be a part of Q.U.I.E.T., please message me directly on the forum, or email us at operationsummertears@gmail.com. Remember, when this team is closed, it's closed! No exceptions! Q.U.I.E.T. is required to wear black and gray camouflage fatigues, such as Kryptek Typhon, any variation of urban camouflage, or solid black or gray tactical or combat uniforms. Any other patterns, email us personally with an image or URL for confirmation on pattern acceptability Nomengedon players may wear whatever pattern they wish, but teams will be divided up by green and tan base fatigues for the after-scenario games. Games will include capture the flag, disarm the bomb, search and destroy, and find the sniper among others. Schedule:10-11:30am: Check-in11:35-11:55am: Rules, boundaries, and player debrief (all players must attend this if they want to play scenario event!)12-7pm: Game time7pm game ends and all players will report back to the check-in and staging area. Patches are now in and each player will receive one upon check-in. If you are interested in purchasing more patches, they will be on sale at the check-in tent (check-in tent may be moved to more convenient location for individual patch sales after scenario game is played). Patches will be sold for $5 each. Further information, including rules, waivers, and other miscellaneous event information can be found here. Our website address for anyone that cannot open that or are just curious is operationsummertea.wixsite.com/summertears. Note: As of August 6th, 2017, there is a 1.5 mile stretch of 135 North that is closed due to road construction. Follow detour signs, and at railroad crossing on right side of road, take a right instead of going straight. As far as I know, there is no sign facing the North directing traffic that way. This should get you back onto 135. Really out-of-the-way detour for a 1.5 mile stretch of road if you ask me...
  4. Operation Silent Night - June 3rd, 2016 Operation Summer Tears is back with an all new exciting night event! Date: June 3, 2016Time: 7pm to 10pmLocation: eXplore Brown County 2620 Valley Branch Road Nashville, Indiana 47448Cost: $10 - $2 fee for ride to top of field (10-15 minute walk) There is a strange radio broadcast that can be heard at various times throughout the night. It has been confirmed that this mysterious transmission is coming from a Nomengedon military base! It is the Blue Blood's job to shut it down. It is Nomengedon's job to keep it up. Event Information Operation Silent Night will be a three hour event in the evening at eXplore Brown County (a.k.a. Valley Branch Retreat). Flashlights are required for every player. There will be two teams: Nomengedon and Team Blue Blood. Team Blue Blood is required to wear Woodland BDU camouflage. Nomengedon can wear any camouflage pattern the player chooses to wear, including Woodland. There are limited spots open for Team Blue Blood. If interested in being a part of Team Blue Blood, please send me a private message! There are unlimited spots open for Nomengedon players. Night vision (NVG) optics and thermal imaging systems are permitted at this event at the user's discretion. No player, Operation Summer Tears event staff member, or any individual who works for eXplore Brown County is responsible for lost, damaged, or stolen personal items at this event. We strongly encourage against using night vision due to the use of articfical lighting at this event as this may cause permanent damage to the device. Team Blue Blood players are required to have a smart-phone at this event on the field with them during the duration of the event with an app called BattleTac. This app can be found in the app store or on google play. There is a free version and a paid version. Team Blue Blood players may use either app. The free (lite) version of BattleTac will work for this event and it is not required to purchase the full version of the app. No player, Operation Summer Tears staff member, or any individual who works for eXplore Brown County is responsible for any fees related to the use, download, or purchase of the app. It is recommended that players bring radios to maintain contact with teammates on the field. Waivers are required for every player and can be found here. If you are interested in staying the night in a cabin or camping at eXplore Brown County, more information can be found here. The price of fire wood is $10 a wheelbarrow load. If you are interested, you need to register for this in advance through eXplore Brown County's website! Basic RulesIf a player is heading back to respawn, they are not allowed to talk to players who are alive or give out enemy positions.Once you are hit, yell loudly, “hit!” and act as specified in the medical rules.A hit from a BB projected from a grenade is treated just like any other hit. Nerf rockets and foam balls are not allowed.Rubber, plastic, or any kind of fake or training knife is forbidden to have or use on the field.The use of pyrotechnics including but not limited to smoke grenades, explosives, or anything that uses or produces a flame, even non-visible, or produces smoke is strictly forbidden at this event.Full-seal eye protection is required to be worn at all times during the event. Medical Rules Team Blue BloodEach Team Blue Blood player will have two lives.When a Blue Blood is shot, they will fall to the ground and can no longer use their primary weapon to defend themselves. They may only use a side arm such as a hand-gun.A Blue Blood is not limited to what they may say when shot. They may give out enemy positions in addition to calling for medical attention.If a player is in a dangerous position, a Blue Blood can drag them or carry them to a safe position to apply medical attention.A Blue Blood soldier will apply medical attention to the fallen soldier by wrapping a roll of gauze around the players arm.After a Blue Blood is shot a second time, they will fall to the ground dead and can no longer move or talk. They will illuminate a red light or glow stick marking them as dead until the end of the event. They will remain on the ground until a Nomengedon soldier or Blue Blood moves them via dragging or carrying.A Nomengedon soldier may drag a dead Blue Blood to a safer position so they will no longer be in the way and out of the line of fire if applicable.A Blue Blood may move a dead Blue Blood to the evacuation site if it can be done safely. NomengedonNomengedon soldiers will have one life, but unlimited respawns.Nomengedon soldiers will go to their respawn point where they tag themselves back into the game.For respawn, a player must go to the designated respawn point which will be pointed out prior to the game starting with a red light or glow stick clearly visible to both friendly and enemy players. Once there, they must physically touch the respawn point which will be clearly labeled as such. After this, a Nomengedon player must walk out of the respawn zone which will be marked off so enemy players cannot "camp" in front of the respawn and the dead player will be back in the game. The respawn point will be off the field where players can rest. If you have any questions, please feel free to send me a private message and I will answer you as quickly as I can! Official Website: operationsummertea.wix.com/summertears
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