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Found 14 results

  1. Hey all, we're going to get Third Group's resident S P E E D S O F T E R, --Rex "Drugs or Die" Papa-- along with a few of us lesser beings this Saturday and take a trip down to Spec Ops to play some Indoor, sorry for the short notice but we just came up with the plans. We're going to be there around Noon and stay til around 6ish, or at least most of the day. Hope to see some of y'all down there! Admission: $25, $30 for rental gear Location: Spec Ops Group (Spec Ops Group, 285 Morton Ave, Martinsville, IN 46151) Time: 11am-8pm (you can arrive whenever before close) HARD 350FPS LIMIT ON ALL GUNS, they do however, have plenty of rentals for those without CQB legal rifles. BE THERE OR BE S Q U A R E
  2. Bear

    Code Red Cqb Headset Clone.

    While browsing Amazon I came across a clone of the Code Red CQB headset. On sale at $12.99 prime shipped ($39.99 normally), I thought it was worth a try. Coodio Tactital Behind-the-Head Earpiece Headset Mic [boom Microphone] [Noise Cancelling] For 2 Pin Kenwood Baofeng Wouxun 2 Way Radio Walkie Talkie https://www.amazon.com/dp/B017KQD0MG/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_apa_UtekzbNCTZ8WR I don't have a Code Red model to compare the two, but my initial impressions are are pretty good. I'm taking it with me to Pandora's Box to put it through its paces. I'll write up a review after the event.
  3. DBOYS Full Metal RK-01 WS Steel Version AKS 74 UN CQB Folding Stock I bought this new 6 months ago and I’m eliminating anything in my arsenal that isn’t ‘standard’ M4 gear to pay for an HPA conversion and to standardize my gear. I bought it from AirsoftGI: http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=2903 This shoots fast, hard, and straight. It has only been skirmished once and it performed very well. I will include the High Cap DBOYS mag for the price of $199 (see below, I have $319++ into it). I will add the 3 mid-cap G&P mags and 2 high-cap zip mags for an additional $50 to make the package $249. If you are familiar with these mags, you know they cost around $15 each, so this price is a bargain. That is the price with the gun…until the gun is sold, I won’t sell the mags separately. This is the full steel and real wood version (not the cheapo Pot Metal version) which is both more solid and long-lasting. I have upgraded just about everything in the gearbox and electrical including: New Gears ($20) New piston and head ($18) New cylinder head and air nozzle ($15) New selector plate ($8) New trigger switch ($8) New Motor ($30) New Mosfet (it is crazy-fast with the 11.1 battery now) ($20) New wiring throughout Moved battery to rear and added pouch so I could use any battery I wanted rather than being stuck with those stupid low capacity stick batteries Tight Bore Stainless Steel Barrel ($30) New Metal hopup ($15) Flat-hopped Modification Newly Shimmed and GreasedTotal of my costs for the Gun plus upgrades: $319 (not including tax, shipping, and a ridiculous amount of time/labor). Again, I am selling with one high-cap mag for $199 or with all mags shown for $249. Please let me know what questions you have or if you want to see it.
  4. I’m eliminating anything in my arsenal that isn’t ‘standard’ M4 gear to pay for an HPA conversion and to standardize my gear. I am asking $150 though I have $250+ into it. It includes a G36 high cap mag and an M4 magwell converter. There are lots of upgrades including including: M4 Mag Well Conversion Unit (allows you to use M4 mags rather than the G36 ones) ($25) New Gears ($20) New piston and head ($18) New cylinder head and air nozzle ($15) New selector plate ($8) New Mosfet ($20) New spring and guide Moved battery to external pouch so I could use any battery I wanted rather than being stuck with the tiny low capacity batteries that would fit in the handguard Newly Shimmed and GreasedTotal of my costs for the Gun plus upgrades: $260 (not including tax, shipping, and a ridiculous amount of time/labor). Please let me know what questions you have or if you want to see it.
  5. This is an awesome and super solid machine. When you pick it up, you will think you have a real steel gun due to the weight and balance. It is running perfectly. Please let me know what questions you have or if you would like to see it. It originally sold for over $300 and I am asking $150.
  6. DoubleA

    Wtb: Stubby/shorty M16 Stock

    Title explains everything.
  7. IndianapolisIndoorAirsoft

    Indianapolis Indoor Airsoft

    Indianapolis Indoor Airsoft coming February 2013...situated in Beech Grove of Indianapolis...website forthcoming...indianapolisairsoft.com...hours of operations Sat and Sundays 11am-7pm...like us on facebook...arena phase one and shop under construction at this time...ages 10yrs and older...
  8. Rhino

    Aps Urban Assault Rifle

    http://www.airsoftgi.com/product_info.php?products_id=12148 Hadn't heard hide nor hair about this until it showed up. I've been looking for a bullpup along these lines for a long time but had been holding out for the PDW-R or whatever the airsoft equivalent will be called that debuted at SHOT show a few years back. This seems to be a lower end model along the same lines. The extra spring and the quick change feature it bragged about seem interesting ideas. Can I get some plasticheads to weigh in on this one? (Please wear fire retardant clothing to this thread as there is high risk of flaming.)
  9. Hello, my name is Snicker and I have been playing for about three years hardcore in Kentucky. I started with Paintball as an early teen for about six years until a friend converted me to the Mil-Sim and teamwork aspect of airsoft. I hit the ground running with ASL with an ICS Galil(my baby) and started playing almost every week if possible. I've hosted many games under them, met many people, traveled to many many states, and this became my passion. Attended Operation: Broken Home, two operations Irenes, Blind Furies, Virginia Ballahack, games in Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee. I left for Brazil on a Mission Trip last year, came back, and ready to take the next step into airsoft on the East coast. Currently, I have left ASL to start my own team, S.E.T., to travel more and have a greater experience. Recently, TG&G(Training Guns & Gear) has opened an indoor airsoft range in Louisville, Kentucky. It is a killhouse complete with modular doors, and walls with ballistic foam furniture that can be moved for a new experience every time! We also have the ability to make it pitch black, strobes, fog machines, and a sound system to satisfy any primal desires or challenges. We are open Monday to Friday: 10 AM - 8PM and Saturday/Sunday: 10AM- 6PM. Currently, our fee is $20 all day, and we offer rentals for low prices. The games are high-speed, room clearing, battling room to room fun and it is a blast! Our storefront is stocked fully, and we are able to make special orders with free technical/upgrade service provided as a perk. To spread our name and what we offer, we will be attending games to vendor to meet players face to face and establish a relationship with the East Coast Airsoft Community. Personally, I love the sport with the passion and want to give back to the community that has been amazing over the years with memories and experiences. If any questions, they can be posted on this page, or through PMs. Hope to see you all out on the field soon!
  10. In honor of the hallowest of weekends, a relaxed day of CQB action, comradeship, and general spookiness. 10/27/2012 Op: Frick'n Scary School House (Clean-Up Day, Pot-Luck Dinner, & Afternoon/Night CQB Action) **This will be run similar to a N00B day, relaxed, but fast-paced between games, etc. Location: Anderson, Indiana Abandoned School House 1820 Lindberg Road Anderson, IN 46012 Rough Schedule: 1:00- Clean-Up Day Begins 4:00- Afternoon Airsoft Begins 6:00: Pot-Luck Cook-out 7:30: Dusk/Night Games End NLT 12:00 Midnight or when people are scared and tired. Notes: Players are welcome to come and go as they please. Multiple Game Types (CTF, Assault, Etc.) Multiple Weapon-Type Games (Semi-Auto Only, Pistols Only, Limited Ammo, Etc.) Cost: $10 **Discounts Available, Maximum: $5 Off** -Note: The dollar value is designed to encourage you to participate in the various discounts outlined below. Any remaining proceeds will go to disposable dinnerware, bags, EO supplies, etc. This is a non-profit event. Wear and play in costume ("GI Joe", army men, etc do NOT count towards this costume requirement Participate in Clean-Up Day (at least 2 hours) Bring Pot-Luck Dish Bring Clean-Up Materials (Brooms, Box of Trash Bags, Etc.) Attend Previous School-House Game on 10/7/2012 Key Rules: 350 FPS Max w/.2s (Chrono will be run with Javelin .25g BBs, weapons must be below 315 fps w/ .25g BBs) NO 400 FPS Games, per previous post Semi-Auto ONLY! (There will be a rare full-auto game, but it will be announced in advanc on the field and optional for players). No BB Weight Restrictions (Bio BBs highly encouraged, but not enforced) No Camo Restrictions (Show me your best costume!) Full-Seal Goggles Required for All Players Full Face Mask for any Minors (i.e. Under 18) - (Mesh lower masks accepted) 15 Years Old or Younger MUST Contact Me Prior to Event Grenades/Smoke Common airsoft grenades are allowed (Thunder-Bs, Tornado's, etc.) Pyro-based solutions must be approved by the EO on-site. (You may have to use one to show the EO how it works for a final decision). Cold-burning smoke of all kinds allowed. To be killed by a grenade, a BB MUST hit the player. Thunder B's MAY be filled with BB's. Hits ANY hit, ANY-where on your gear or person counts. Gun hits disable your primary weapon. If you do not have a secondary weapon, you are HIT. (Consider this a reward for those who run pistols). Medic/total "lives" rules will be explained on a per-game basis Registration: Below or on-site. Post your dish and tools below if you are bringing them. Waivers required and will be available on-site. Minors MUST have a parent's signature. Payments accepted on-site (cash only) or in advance via PayPal. (NSSchueth@gmail.co ​Minimum Player Kit Full-Seal Eye Protection Red Rag (Day Games) Red Glow Stick (Night Games)** Mask System (Minors Only) Closed-Toe Shoes W/ Significant Tread ​Please note that you can purchase red battery powered glow sticks for about $3 from your local Wal-Mart. EO's Rogue is the primary EO for this event. Assistant EO's will be picked on-site and as-needed from players. ONLY an EO call "game-on" and "game-end ​Safety Safety is a BIG DEAL at my events. Goggles are ON anytime you are on the field. When in a "safe area" weapons are on "safe" and magazines are removed. Any person is an EO when it comes to safety. "Blind Man" rules apply. No blind firing. Teams Teams will be decided at the random choice of the EO every game. Teams will be clearly delineated by armbands. Armbands MUST be wrapped around the humerus of the player or through the shoulder of web-gear. Hiding armbands is strictly prohibited. Cheating This is a game of HONOR. That said, cheating does occur and will be thoroughly dealt with. Rogue's "shaming" rules apply to all of Rogue's events. This rule is MEANT to be harsh, so don't make me use it... If you are accused of cheating by ANY player and it is made known to the EO, you will be given two options: You will wear a pink duct-table with your offense written on it in bold sharpie. (This includes ANY rules violation including: full-auto rules, non-hit calling, FPS violations, etc.) -Or- You will be escorted off the field by the EO and given no refund. Last Updated on 10/8/2012
  11. Endgame

    Anderson School A.a.r.

    I guess I'll kick this off then since no one else has done so. Pros: Target rich environment Seeing new faces Putting faces to existing names Seeing old faces Putting in work with the ol' CQBR Cons: Jerk-off nosy people trying to disrupt the pew-pew minor gun problems magazine feeding issues Teaching my nephew trigger discipline......we're working on that one Not enough vets on site Some players not keeping their muzzles down and goggles on IMO, today was a good day. Near perfect weather for slinging BBs. I would have like to see more old-school shooters onsite, but it went well even without. A nosy off-duty cop threatened to shut the party down early, but luckily he got set straight right fast and in a hurry. Overall, a good day for pew-pew.
  12. ITEM: Systema PTW M4 CQB (MIL/LE) LOCATION: Louisville, Kentucky U.S.A. PAYMENT: Cash or Paypal, ONLY. EXCHANGE: 1. Pick-up 2. Meet half way (I will drive up to 100 miles) 3. Shipping: FREE SHIPPING FOR 48 CONUS - (I will NOT be responsible for any seized materials - it will be shipped with ORANGE TIP ATTACHED). **INTERNATIONAL BUYERS - Case by case basis and MUST pay shipping - I will NOT be responsible for lost/seized materials. PLEASE confirm you laws!** NO TRADES ACCEPTED! NO HOLDS - FIRST WITH MONEY TO ME WINS! CONTACT:ferretbjb(at)yahoo(dot)com ENTIRE PACKAGE PRICE - $1,500 USD - FREE SHIPPING TO 48 CONUS Replica is in perfect firing condition and is sold AS IS. For sale is my PTW M4 CQB (Safe/Semi-Auto/Ful-Auto). Never had an issue with it. Although I never had a motor problem, I had the motor worked by Tackleberry ,from the Systema PTW User Group forum, for supreme function and reliability. (It also allows motor height adjustment). Also from Tackleberry, his hop up modification and moisture proofing of the electronics. These are the only "modifications" to the replica. Externaly, I have painted to a "used and weathered" look. However, there are parts that are worn a bit from actual use, like the foam pad on the stock and scratches on the body. NEVER, has it been abused, nor neglected. The magazines have all been used and never had problems. I have seven (7) of the black followers, but I never use them. The magazines are ID'ed with a blue "B" and number on the right side. They also have my name, "bishop", on the replica follower on the top....it can be removed upon request. All three batteries have been properly charged and discharged. However, each of the batteries have had their battery-to-battery contacts broken but have been resoldered. INCLUDES: 1. PTW M4 CQB MIL/LE (From the PTW Users Group - Tackleberry motor work, hop up mod and moisture proofing) 2. x9 Systema magazines 3. x3 Systema 9.6v batteries 4. M90 Black cylinder 5. M120 Blue cylinder 6. M130 spring (Gold cylinder NOT included) 7. Systema PTW cylinder repair/replacement O-ring kit 8. Systema PTW piston rack teeth replacement 9. x7 Systema magazine followers 10. Systema hop up adjustment tool 11. Systema motor spring replacement set (NOT PICTURED) 12. Systema PTW Users Manual 13. Original Box (If so desired) ENTIRE PACKAGE PRICE: $1,500 USD - FREE SHIPPING TO 48 CONUS Additions; Real steel A3 carrying handle is included in package. Vertical grip is included in package. Noveske Fire Pig is included in package. ADDITIONAL PICTURES:
  13. We will start Indoor CQB Team competitions on 5/24/2012 (League play). Each Thursday night we will begin at 6PM and roll till 10PM. The fee will be $15.00 per person (5 man teams). If you do not have a full team or want to join a team please contact me and I will work on grouping. The league will develop into a championship that will include prizes awards ETC. A UCC Membership is required to paricipate. We will be posting more detailed information on the Facebook page (Warlord Supply LLC Urban Combat Center ) and our website ( www.warlordsupply.com). Space will be limited so you will need to RSVP and prepay your fee. Thank you, The Warlord
  14. KeeganG

    Cqb Smgs

    I am really looking towards a CQB weapon. My main weapon I use now is a m16 which is fairly long and hard to carry. I have been wanting a small/compact gun for quite a while but don't know what to get. I do like the style and look of mp7 s and also mp5s. Any ideas on any thing else or suggestions on what to get.
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